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Never-Ending Love Light

Feel my touch

Where ever it may be

Hear my voice

What ever I shall say

Come to me from a distance

Look upon my stars

The world we now exist in

Will become the world of the past

A never-ending love light

Taste my lips

Do you hear the whispers so clear

Feel my eyes

Look across the ocean for you

Can’t you feel my heart beat

It is beating here for you

The love we share is near, I know

I cannot tell why we resist the clues

A never-ending love light

Lift your voice

Say my name when you are in need of me

Here, my love

I shall forever give all you want

Nothing will take your heart from mine

My prince, I will do as you wish

For your love in return

I wish to make you happy

As you have made me now

I no longer need to search the world

For I have found you here

My never-ending love light

Copyright 1998 Evelyn

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