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Playname : Blast


set up in a 1-2-2 set

1 passes the ball to either wing.1 Breaks down lane towards basket looking for pass.

If pass isn`t there,1 breaks to low block area on side he threw the ball.


the other wing player( 2 ) breaks down lane looking for a pass also,if it isn`t there,goes to low block on his original side.

the 4 and 5 brerak to coner and then to wing spots , replacing the 2 and 3.
the ballhandler goes to point up top.



here,the 2 passes to the 5 and breaks toward the basket,while everyone else rotates.


here,we see it starting all over again.Everyone plays every spot if this goes on long enough,or untill someone gets a good shot or a layup..

Keys To Emphasize:
1. Passer always cuts down Middle of Lane and Goes to the side he through the ball to. Everyone stays on the same side making cuts.

2. Emphasize receiving the pass on top above Foul Line Extended area and top of Key.

3. If Guard gets caught without passing to someone on top, the player in the corner
acts as a saftey (sets screen/pick for the Player who just pass the ball to Guard,
on the low block). Then that player receives pass from Guard with ball in corner,
The guard who just pass the ball to corner then cuts down to low block, sets screen/pick, then that player comes out to Foul Line Extended and
rotates ball to other side. (Always looking for Pick & Roll) We didn't have to use
this option that much.

Basically, you teach the Fundamentals: Pass & Cut, Setting Picks, Pick &
Roll, Screens, Back
Door Options, & V-Cuts

This page was made with Basketball Playbook for Tommy`s Basketball Playbook. from Jes-Soft