Swish DVD: A Guide to Great Basketball Shooting - $ 29.95
Swish DVD: A Guide to Great Basketball Shooting
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The importance of correct shooting

You can dribble great,play great,but if you do not get the basketball in the hoop,what does it really matter when you lose that game because you missed those shots?I am talking from the court and from the free throw line.Coach Dean Smith used to say,the game can be won or lost from the free throw line.I have found,that in almost every game I won or lost,that was true.Shooting is of the utmost importance,and yet,it is not being taught correctly.I believe there is help available for those interested in becomeing the best shooter they can be.Good instruction and practice is indespensible.That is why I highly reccomend Coach Tom Norland`s Swish dvd`s,videos,and books.Learn from the best. Although a more effective and universal method of coaching shooting is needed at all levels of the game, it's most needed at the youth level. That is where the coaches are usually unpaid volunteers working hard to do their best to train and inspire young girls and boys in the fine art of basketball. They have little time and some have little experience in coaching. It's a very challenging task to take a group of hopeful, expectant, trusting and hard-working kids and teach them the basics and mold them into an effective, enjoyable "team." Yet this is where it starts. This is where the seeds for a lifelong love for the game can be planted. Other skills are important, but shooting is critical. Without shooting and scoring, all you can hope for is to stop the other team from scoring. When you can do both, play defense and offense, then you have the makings of a winner.

Dedicated to Learning and Coaching "Pure" Basketball Shooting

* Players don't know what to practice * Coaches often don't know how to coach shooting * Coaching just the "Fundamentals" (how to stand, how to hold the ball, where the elbow should point, etc.) isn't enough!

Swish answers the "Mystery" of Shooting

NOT THE USUAL APPROACH: Tom takes the mystery out of shooting. Swish is different from just about every other shooting method out there. It's not about Squaring Up," or "Flipping your wrist." It's definitely not about having the shooting elbow under the ball. Those instructions and others are what Tom calls "The Myths of Shooting." What he coaches works and makes sense. Players learn quickly how to control the "Flight of a Ball!" He breaks down the shot into simple, easily-learned pieces and then shows how to put it back together. He teaches self awareness and self-coaching, and teaches coaches how to guide their players into this powerful and simple approach, the way of the great shooters!

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clip 4 Free Throws

You can become a Swish Shooting Coach!

A new Swish eBook is now available that will teach you exactly what I do in my shooting clinics. You'll start making a difference with anyone you coach in basketball shooting, your teams will stand out, games will be won. You could even start charging a little when you get really good at it. The eBook (manual) will be bundled with an On-Line eCourse, as soon as it's created, which will introduce the manual and make it come more alive. The eCourse will also be the first step in a progression to become a "certified" Swish coach. We'll have a set of questions at the end of each of the four modules, and your answering correctly the questions will qualify you to be a Swish coach, Level 1. We will then add you to our directory of Swish coaches around the world. In the meantime, you can get this program at a special "Early Bird Discount." The eBook is a 58-page PDF and, when viewed as you are On-Line, you can access 33 video clips that help clarify the text.
Coaches eBook - Early Bird price - $ 75.00
Coaches eBook - Early Bird price
Click on the link to read the whole story and get directions as to how to order this remarkable program
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