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Playname : Team defense closeout drill


line up in shell drill fromation with a coach under the basket.

Outside players pass ball around.A player passes to the coach,all inside players must run in and touch coach somewhere,arm,sleeve,etc and freeze untill all are there.
Coach picks a outside player to throw ball to





Coach passes ball back out,while inside players run and closeout on outside players.


The outside players have to make one pass and get a shot off.If they do and they hit the shot,or the ball hits the rim or backboard,the defense runs a couple laps.

Switch inside / outside after a set period.

1-no crosing over 3 point line
2-coach holds ball untill all inside players grab him/her
3-inside players must remain with coach untill coach passes ball back out
4-outside players must recieve pass from coach and make another to a outside player for shot ot count.
5-inside players must hustle hard to closeout

This page was made with Basketball Playbook from Jes-Soft