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Trapping drills

Playname : Triangle Trapping and Closeout Drill


The Triangle Trapping Drill

Linn Dunn with Perdue uses this with her college girls.It`s a lot of fun and the kids love it.
Several rules to this.
1-Offense cannot dribble
2-offense cannot move,must keep in place
3-start with the defense NOT stealing ball
4-When the defense closes out on the ball,they must rush to the ball with hands up
5-while defense is pressuring the ballhandler,they must yell"ball ball ball".Make them do this,they`ll love the yelling part after a while.
6-The lone defender must position her/him self in middle of the 2 offensive players,it helps to point with hands to each offensive player and be ready to rush to close out in any direction.


Start with 3 offensive and 3 defensive players.
Abide by the rules in frame one.
Have all 3 defenders start in middle of offensive players as shown in frame one.

Pass the ball to a player and let her pass it to another.The reciever holds the ball for a short while.It must be long enough to let the defense have a short workout.
The offensive player passes to another offensive player.The defenders close out fast,with hands up ,yelling ball,ball,ball.

Make sure the defenders have their feet together to cut off any avenue of escape between them.They can also bend their knees some and help close up the gap between them.


the 3 has the ball here and is being pressured by 2 defenders.The lone defender is "splitting the 2 offensive players expecting to go any way quickly.
Make them do this and close out fast and good.Make it a habit with them so they don`t have to think,just do.


Run it hard for a while,say,5 minutes or so, and switch roles.Let the defenders take over on offense,and vice versa.


After another 5 minutes,let them reverse roles again.Now it gets good.Let them steal the ball if they can.Make a game out of it.The team with the most steals sits out and the others run 5 laps or something.
Be sure you make the defenders stay in position,they tend to want to jump in the middle and cheat.The same with the offense,they just want to move around to get a better angle on the pass,etc.Make all the players keep proper position.

The main reason we do this is for the defense.Work the defenders out good.
This drill is also good for closing out.

You space them out according to their age.

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