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Church you attend
How did you first hear of us?
How did you first hear of our webpage?
How often do you visit our webpage?
Do you have our CD?
If yes, do you like it?
What is your favorite song?
What is the place you go most to see shows?
Who was the last band you saw in concert and where?
Who are your favorite bands, Christian and/or secular, and why?
At what point did you realize that life is short?
How is the South different from other parts of the US?
Which is a better movie, Tommy Boy or Dumb&Dumber?
What, in your opinion, is the most ridiculous example of
bad music in the current pop scene?
Questions (may appear in FAQ or anzwered individually)
Suggestions for the page
Please copy these questions and paste them on an e-mail. Send them with your answers to