Dream Survey
Do you dream in color?
Do you dream in 3d?
How often do you dream?
Do you have repetitive dreams?
Do you fly in your dreams?
Do you ever dream that you are dreaming?
Can you program your dreams?
Have you ever fallen off something like a cliff and hit bottom?
Have you ever looked in a mirror while dreaming?
Do you remember your first dream?
Have you ever had the sense of touch in your dream?
Do you ever dream of houses that you don't know?
How many people are normally in your dreams?
Have any of your dreams ever come true?
Your Name *S* (totally optional)
I've been told that if you hit submit, it will use your server email! Please believe me when I tell you I won't reveal this address to anyone. This is for survey purposes only. However, if you want to participate in the survey, but don't want to use your server email, then just copy and paste the whole page and email it to me using your hotmail or whatever email you choose?
for completing the above survey!
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