What is Truth?
Truth is Creation.
Truth is Salvation by Grace.
Truth is Redemption by Blood.
Truth is Justification by Faith.
Truth is Assurance is in the word.
Truth is Christianity is eternal security.
Truth is The Bible, The Authorized King James Version, is the only
revelation of God.
Truth is The Bible, The Authorized King James Version, is inerrant.
Truth is The Bible, The Authorized King James Version, is wholly inspired.
Truth is The Bible, The Authorized King James Version, is without
Truth is true science and The Bible agree.
Truth is The Bible is correct Astronomically, Meteorologically, Geologically,
Scientifically, Historically, Prophetically, Botanically, Zoologically,
Medicinally and Psychologically.
Truth is Jesus Christ is Jehovah God.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life of God.
Truth is Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the foundation of the New Testament Church.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the head of the New Testament Church.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of the New testament Church.
Truth is Jesus Christ is King of the Jews.
Truth is Jesus Christ is a Fundamentalist.(See news letter "WHAT IS
Truth is The Apostle Paul was a Fundamentalist
Truth is The Apostle John was a Fundamentalist.
Truth is The Apostle Peter was a Fundamentalist.
Truth is The Book of Revelation is still future.
Truth is Jesus Christ could not sin.
Truth is education without salvation is damnation.
Truth is Abortion is Murder.
Truth is Euthanasia is Murder.
Truth is Homosexuality is an Abomination to God.
Truth is God haters take his name in vain. Psalm 139:20-21
Truth is God is just in punishment.
Truth is Babies go to heaven when they die.
Truth is the total depravity of man.
Truth is the heart of man is desperate wicked.
Truth is Man is guilty of murdering Jesus Christ.
Truth is Unbelievers are already lost and condemned to Hell.
Truth is only the mercy of God keeps people out of Hell.
Truth is Hell is a literal place of fire.
Truth is the Pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church.
Truth is the Pre-Millennial return of Christ.
Truth is Post-millennialism is error.
Truth is America was founded on freedom of worship not freedom of Religion.
Truth is Capital Punishment is the foundation of Human Government.
Truth is Government should be Christian, based upon The Bible.
Truth is Public schools should be Christian, based upon The Bible.
Truth is Politicians should be Christian, based upon The Bible.
Truth is the world hates Jesus Christ, God and The Bible.
Truth is Non-Christians(unbelievers) are blinded and deceived by the Devil.
Truth is The New Testament Church is a mystery revealed by Paul.
Truth is Baptism is by immersion and for believers only.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and Man.
Truth is The New Testament Church is not bringing in, extending or build-
ing The Kingdom of Christ.
Truth is Sunday is not the Christian Sabbath.
Truth is this world is a sinking ship.
Truth is The New Testament Church is a life boat and not a tug boat.
Truth is the Devil is the god of this world.
Truth is the NIV is a most corrupt translation.
Truth is no general Resurrection.
Truth is no general judgment.
Truth is man is a sinner by nature, by birth and by choice.
Truth is the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is Eternal Life.
Truth is it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment.
Truth is you must be born again to go to Heaven.
Truth is Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.
Truth is Jesus Christ is master over quantity, distance, time, misfortune,
nature and death.
Truth is every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord.
Truth is Jesus Christ is coming back to Earth to set up his Kingdom.
Truth is God has not broken his promise to Israel.
Truth is The Jews are judicially blinded during this Church age.
Truth is Jehovah God has allowed 490 years of Jewish Captivity.
Truth is The Great Tribulation Period of 7 years is the last 7 years.
Truth is The Jews are out of place, The Church is out of place, The
Devil is out of place and King Jesus is out of place.
Truth is Christians are not under law.
Truth is The Law of Moses, The 10 Commandments, was not given to save.
Truth is no one can keep the law for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Truth is The Rapture and the Revelation are two different events.
Truth is the Judgment seat of Christ and the Great White Throne are
two different Judgments.
Truth is every nation that has hated Israel, God has destroyed.
Truth is Leaven is a type of evil.
Truth is the HOly Spirit Baptism is positional not experiential.
Truth is Christianity is not religion.
Truth is the New Testament Church is signless and timeless.
Truth is the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgement.
Truth is the neglect of prophecy leaves man ignorant of God's plan
and purpose as to the ages to come.
Truth is the Bible unlike all other religious books bases its authenticity,
authority and inspiration on prophecy.
Truth is the Physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the "Gibraltar of
Christian evidences and the waterloo of infidelity."
Truth is Atheism is the denial of all authoritative ethics because no
lawgiver there can be no law.
Truth is Atheism holds that suicide is the final logic.
Truth is Jesus Christ offered one sacrifice for sin forever and their is no
more sacrifice for sins.
Truth is The Bible, The Authorized King James Version, is supernatural
in origin, divine in authorship, infallible in authority,
authenticated in prophecy, regenerating in power, personal in
application, identified in liberty, final in law, enduring in
existence, harmonious in complexity, unequaled in plainness
infinite in scope, supreme in estimation, solitary in wonder
universal in interest, immeasurable in value, and wonderful in
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