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What is A Lie?

The Bible is not the complete revelation of God is a lie.
The Bible is not inerrant is a lie.
The Bible is only partially inspired is a lie.
The Bible is not the source of all truth is a lie.
Jesus Christ is not the only way to Heaven is a lie.
Jesus Christ is not the only Mediator between God and man is a lie.
Jesus Christ is not God is a lie.
Jesus Christ was not born of a Virgin is a lie.
Jesus Christ could have sinned is a lie.
Jesus Christ is not the Messiah-King of the Jews is a lie.
God is not a trinity is a lie.
God will not send anyone to Hell is a lie.
God will punish everybody alike is a lie.
God is through with the Jews is a lie.
God did not ordain capital punishment as the foundation of Human
    Government is a lie.
Christianity is just another Religion is a lie.
Freedom of Religion is a lie.
The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man is a lie.
Death ends all is a lie.
Purgatory is a lie.
A saved person can lose his salvation is a lie.
A partial Rapture of the Church is a lie.
Limited atonement is a lie.
Irresistible Grace is a lie.
Souls are predestinated is a lie.
The Sabbath day was given to the Gentile Church is a lie.
Salvation is through good works is a lie.
Salvation is in the Church is a lie.
Water Baptism is necessary for Salvation is a lie.
You cannot know that you are saved is a lie.
The Church is a building, extending, and bringing in the Kingdom of
      Christ is a lie.
The World is getting better and betting is a lie.
The Rapture of the Church and the Second coming of Christ is one and
    the same event is a lie.
The Holy Spirit is not a Person is a lie.
Tradition has equal authority with the Bible is a lie.
There is a second chance to be saved after Death is a lie.
The Evolution of man is a lie.
The word of God needs confirming with signs and wonders such as
    tongues and healing is a lie.
The Baptism by the Holy Spirit is an experience distinct from the new
      Birth is a lie.
Unity at the expense of sound Doctrine is a lie.
All sickness is the result of unbelief and lack of faith is a lie.
Physical healing is in the atonement is a lie.
Homosexuality is a moral life style is a lie.(Homosexuality is a Death style.)
Homosexuals are born is a lie (if so, murders, rapist, thieves, and any
      other God haters are born which excuses their guilt and sinfulness.)
Unborn babies are only Fetuses is a lie.
All killing is murder is a lie.
The Ten Commandments are not for today is a lie.
America was founded on freedom of Religion is a lie.
Peace without the Prince of Peace(Jesus Christ) is a lie.
Alcoholic beverage and Gambling is needed for taxes is a lie.
Prohibition failed is a lie.
The Bible does not belong in public schools IS A LIE!.

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