What is a Moderate?
A MODERATE is Leaven (false doctrine, evil).
A MODERATE is Satanically blind.
A MODERATE is spiritually blind and spiritually ignorant.
A MODERATE is Post-Millennial.
A MODERATE is ecumenical.
A MODERATE is neutral in the battle for truth.
A MODERATE is inconsistent.
A MODERATE is a Modernist and Liberal.
A MODERATE is a liar, a fool and a coward.
A MODERATE is a Hypocrite and a stumbling block.
A MODERATE is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
A MODERATE is a destroyer.
A MODERATE is a New Evangelical.
A MODERATE denies enerrency of God's Word.
A MODERATE claims the Bible does not claim enerrency.
A MODERATE denies the Word of God.
A MODERATE doubts the Word of God.
A MODERATE questions the Word of God.
A MODERATE educates on limited truth.
A MODERATE circulates error in the name of Truth.
A MODERATE destroys the faith under the cloak of academic freedom.
A MODERATE dethrones the Bible and Exalts the so-called Scholarly
suppositions of men.
A MODERATE separates Jesus Christ from the written word.
A MODERATE tolerates false teachers.
A MODERATE supports Liberals in Seminaries, agencies and on boards.
A MODERATE accommodates Anti-Scriptural and Anti-Beliefs and teachings.
A MODERATE gives equal time, equal voice and equal opportunity to
A MODERATE surrenders in the battle for truth.
A MODERATE sow seeds of doubt and unbelief.
A MODERATE fellowships with unbelievers.
A MODERATES tries to co-exist with the enemies of God's Word.
A MODERATE is loyal to an institution instead of Christ and the Bible.
A MODERATE tries to live together whether in agreement or not.
A MODERATE tries to thrive on differences instead of uniformity.
A MODERATE tolerates false teachings.
A MODERATES is in bondage to denominational Pride.
A MODERATE uses the New Perverted Translations of the Bible.
A MODERATE is hurting and destroying The New Testament Church.
A MODERATE lacks Spiritual Discernment and assurance.
A MODERATE rejects full inspiration.
A MODERATE believes the Bible only contains the word of God.
A MODERATE misunderstands the great commission of the Church.
A MODERATE refuses to repudiate Satanic deception which encourages
doctrinal diversity.
A MODERATE boast of doctrinal diversity rather than being ashamed.
A MODERATE rejects Bible teaching concerning women in places of authority.
A MODERATE permits Apostasy to run rampant and unhindered.
A MODERATE causes wide diversity of Baptist beliefs.
A MODERATE fellowships and cooperates with Roman Catholics.
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