What is a Baptist?
A BAPTIST wears the nickname proudly.
A BAPTIST is not a Protestant.
Note: Baptist were never in the Roman Catholic Church to protest.
A Baptist is the only Christian that has never symbolized with Rome.
A BAPTIST is a PRE-Millennialist.
A BAPTIST is a Dispensationalist.
A BAPTIST worships Jesus Christ as Jehovah God.
A BAPTIST is loyal to Apostolic teaching.
A BAPTIST knows that the history of Baptists was written in Blood.
A BAPTIST rest in the finished work of Christ.
A BAPTIST declares absolute Religious Liberty.
A BAPTIST believes in Salvation by Grace plus nothing.
A BAPTIST believes in Justification by Faith.
A BAPTIST believes in Eternal Security.
A BAPTIST accepts the Bible as the complete revelation of God.
A BAPTIST believes true science and the Bible agree.
A BAPTIST believes the Church is a life boat not a tug boat.
A BAPTIST believes Jesus Christ will return the second time as the King
of the Jews to set up his Kingdom as promised.
A BAPTIST believes all Church members are equal.
A BAPTIST believes the Church is timeless and signless.
A BAPTIST believes in the immanent Rapture of the Church.
A BAPTIST believes Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. John 14:6
A BAPTIST believes in the separation of Church and State.
A BAPTIST believes Jesus Christ is head of the Church.
A BAPTIST believes in the Priesthood of believers.
A BAPTIST rejects the Evil Doctrine of Purgatory.
A BAPTIST believes in enerrency of the Bible.
A BAPTIST believes in divine inspiration of the Bible.
A BAPTIST believes in believers Baptism by emersion only.
A BAPTIST rejects infant Baptism.
A BAPTIST rejects Baptismal Regeneration.
A BAPTIST believes in capital punishment as the foundation of Human
Government. Gen. 9:5-6
A BAPTIST rejects tradition as being equal to the Word of God.
A BAPTIST rejects the modern corrupt versions of the Bible.
A BAPTIST opposes the Charismatic movement.
A BAPTIST rejects the error of Post-Millennialism.
A BAPTIST does not support moderates and liberals.
A BAPTIST does not compromise with moderates and liberals.
A BAPTIST believes the local Church is God's only ordained established
institution on earth to carry out His will.
A BAPTIST believes the local Church is God's business office.
A BAPTIST observes only two ordinances of the New Testament Church
which are Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
A BAPTIST accepts the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice.
A BAPTIST does not believe in Apostolic Succession.
A BAPTIST believes in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
A BAPTIST loves God's chosen people, the Jews and the Nation of Israel.
A BAPTIST believes in the 490 years of Daniel's Prophecy.
A BAPTIST knows that Roman Catholicism is a false religion and the
pope is a false Prophet.
A BAPTIST Knows that the Baptists were the hated people of the Dark
ages and millions died for the Baptist Faith.
A BAPTIST knows that before Martin Luther and John Calvin, there were
Baptists in all the countries of Europe who adhered to the
doctrines of modern Baptist.
A BAPTIST knows that his weapons are Spiritual not Carnal. Eph. 6:11-17
A BAPTIST hinders Apostasy by being salt and light in this wicked world.
A BAPTIST knows that the name "ANA-BAPTIST" is the oldest denomina-
tional name in history. NOTE: The "ANA" was dropped when they
refused to accept Infant Baptism.
A BAPTIST is looking for the Blessed Hope
and the Glorious appearing of the
Bridegroom of the Church.
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