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Bashir Geymayel was born on November 10th, 1947 in Bikfaiya, Lebanon, his family's ancestral home for over 400 years. He was the second and youngest child of Pierre Gemayel, founder of the Phalange Party (Kataeb) in Lebanon. Bashir graduated from St.Joseph University, Beirut, in 1971 with degrees in Law and Political Science. In 1975 he was admitted to the bar and became a Lawyer.


Having been a ranking member of the Phalange Party (Kataeb), he was appointed head of the Lebanese Forces on August 30, 1976. The Lebanese Forces being a coalition of of Christian militias of the Kataeb Party (Phalange), National Liberal Party, Tanzim, and the Guardians of the Cedars. The Lebanese Forces under the leadership of Bashir Gemayel not only offered protection to the Christian areas of Lebanon but also provided them services not given by the government, such as a public transportation system, water, electricity, sewage,road maintenance, garbage collection, social relief services, etc. Two radio stations, a television station and a small airport also were given to the people.


Bashir married Solange Toutounji in 1977. His first child, Maya, was murdered along with two bodyguards on February 23rd, 1980 in a car bomb explosion meant for Bashir. He has two surviving children, Youmna, born in 1980 and Nadim, born in 1982.

Bashir officially announced his candidacy for President of the Republic of Lebanon on July 24,1982. On August 23,1982 Bashir was elected President by a vote of 57to 5. During the next few weeks, he held countless planning secessions with Christian and Moslem leaders, drawing up plans for the new Lebanon he wanted reborn. He began rallying all of Lebanon around him as no other leader had been able to do since that country's independence in 1944. Nine days before he was to be inaugurated, Bashir attended his usual discussion secession at the Phalange Party (Kataeb)office in Ashrafieh. The night before, members of the Syrian Nazi Party (Syrian Social- Nationalist Party or SS-NP) had placed a couple hundred pounds of powerful explosives on the second floor of the building which housed the Phalange Party offices on the first floor. The explosion was heard for miles around. Beneath the rubble of the yellow stucco building lay the body of the Saviour of Lebanon.

Shortly thereafter Bashir's brother Amin was made President of Lebanon but he lacked the leadership qualities and charisma of his younger brother and never could quite fill Bashir's shoes.

Did all hope for Lebanon die with Bashir's death? No, because his torch of hope and freedom is still being carried by the members of the Kataeb (Phalange Party) and the Lebanese Forces Party, who have made a solemn oath never to give up the struggle until Lebanon is united, free and independent.