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Sailor Moon World

Sailor Moon World

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Welcome To Sailor Moon world, Hello I am Frederick Wilson and after a long time I'm finally back and ready to Update my world of Sailor Moon.

So far I've seen the first two seasons of Sailor Moon and seen the first 8 episodes of the thrid season. my characters will be back up soon and hopefully i'll be adding Sailor Pluto, Uranus, and Nepture.

the first 8 episodes of Sailor Moon S are pretty awesome and also some what dramatic. the new ememies Kaolinight and Professor Tomoe, and the two new Sailor soldiers Uranus and Neptune are looking for Human beings on earth who carry the three Talimans within their pure hearts to call forth the messiah.

Sailor Soldiers

here are the first 5 Senshi Uranus, Neptune, Pluto coming soon.

Sailor Moon

Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mars

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Venus

Sailor Pluto

Sailor Uranus

Sailor Neptune

Go to my Sailor Moon Image gallery and my other pages (currently being redone). Send me e-mail