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Make yourself comfortable....

Have a drink....

........ .......

Relax and enjoy the view....

Songs of the Soul

"Listen To My Heart" (2 pages)

Brother Wolf

The Truth About Wolves

The Spirit of Brother Wolf

"Look Into My Eyes"
(A tribute to Brother Wolf)

Spirit Totems (9 pages of totems)

Fantasy Totems (5 pages of totems)

"C. N. A."

"You Are Special"

"My Name Is Misty" (Prevent Child Abuse)

"So Goodnight Teddy Bear" (Prevent Child Abuse)

"Mother Theresa"


"Before I Go"

"In Memory Of Dale Earnhardt"

Holidays / Hymns

My Friends

More Friends

Animal Friends

Why Me?

Chispa - my rainbow bridge angel

Coco - my oldest son

My Banners

Apply For My Awards (3 pages)

Awards I have won

Gifts I have received

My Webrings

Before you leave please pick a flower to take with you; it is my gift to you.
Web-Tv users please, do not link, use a transloader, if you know how. If not, I will be glad to help you with the transloading. Computer users please save to your files. Thanks.

It is not necessary to link to my page but if you want to the addy is


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Come back again real soon.

Before you leave please take a moment to sign my guestbook.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by 
GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Disclaimer: All images were obtained under the impression that they were public domain. Should any of the graphics contained within, be privately owned and/or copyrighted, please write me so proper credit can be given or the graphics removed. If any of the links are not working, please let me know.

I just wanted to share my most recent award with you. Please visit Dottie's cabin, it is a wonderful place.

Dottie, I am truly honored to be the first to receive this beautiful award. Thanks.


Song Playing - "Welcome To My World"