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Japan Pictures Part Deux

I got some Japan pictures for you right here

Here`s some pictures from my walking commute to school everyday.

It takes about 10 minutes walking these back streets to get to the train station

Here`s the first station that I have to go to, Tamagawagakuenmae on the Odakyu Line

This is Machida. I have to transfer to a different train line here. It is a city of about 400,000 people, big anywhere else but kind of small compared to many of the other cities around here. After the next train I have to catch a bus to campus, total commute time about 40 minutes

Pictures from my trip to FujiQ Highland theme park

Toll roads are everywhere on Japan`s roads, and expensive. Don`t drive in Japan, take the trains

Here is the group of people that I went with

Then the skies opened up. I was soaking wet and thought that I might have just wasted 35 dollars on a ticket

Fortunately, the weather cleared up and we got to go on some rides. Here is Dodonpa, a roller coaster, with Fujisan in the background

Dodonpa rockets you to 107 mph. Heres all the warnings associated with the ride.

Trip to Lake Yamanaka pictures

We camped at Lake Yamanaka YMCA near Mt. Fuji on a weekend. Here`s Fujisan in the evening....

and in the morning.

A bunch of the people who went.

My host sister (r) and her friend (l) in Roppongi (big shopping district), Tokyo Tower is in the background

More crazy pictures of Shinjuku

The Subaru building in Shinjuku. Unfortunately, the showroom inside was pretty small

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