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More Pictures

My host mom. She doesn`t like to have her picture taken, so this is all that you`re gonna get

Hanging out at the Pink House (International Student Dorms)

These next few pictures are of my room. Ok, so its not much to look at. Its really not much to look at

Get On the Bus

Flea market at Yoyogi Park. All of Tokyo`s hipsters came here to buy and sell old clothes which you can probably find at your local second hand store

On the steps of the Meiji Shrine, with real honest-to-God Japanese people!

Illafifth represent

Asakusa Kannon Temple

More people just hanging out, this time at the school festival

Bob Sapp, former pro football player, is everywhere in Japan now as a "ultimate fighting" star

Ueno Park. Many museums and a large park here

You can`t see it, but there are giant pandas here. The kids were just crazy at the park. Really pushy

Self-Portrait, at the "Thunder Gate" in Asakusa

Goofing around at this pizza place

Mike Popcorn- yeah, I like it

Some of that `Engrish` that you may have heard about
