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Japan Pics Part 5

Japan Picture Update 2004

Ok. So, it has been like 4 months since I last did this, sorry for the, uh, delay. I would have had this up a little bit earlier, but I came down with a nasty little something recently, had a bad ingrown toenail, school started, etc. I've been up to plenty in that timeframe, heres a little bit of what I have been doing.

Good times at the Casual House

Another Karaoke Picture

Hanami at Yoyogi Park. Every goes to the park to eat, drink, and look at the cherry blossoms. Fun

Hanging out with the goth kids at Harajuku.

From New Years Eve... in front of TV Asahi in Roppongi. We saw the big countdown there then walked around Roppongi some, scary

Oh Mikey- yeah, that is what it says. Apparently some sort of old Toyota ad campaign (???)

These are my friends, Yugo and Shingo. They're really great.

What I bought myself for Christmas. Not a bad haul if I do say so myself.

Here is my host sisters, but, I moved out in February and got my own apartment.

My Tokyo Station 'Prom Picture'

What's next? Who knows!

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