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Japan Pics Part 6

Time for another round of Japan pics. For those that don't know, I'm back in the States, but I still have a lot of great memories of the trip. Sorry for the long wait. I'll have at least one more picture update later, so stay tuned!

The REAL Obirin Football Club

A Day at the races... we won 220 Yen

I went with these guys to see the Yokohama Baystars baseball team, but it was all about "ALEX!!"

More soccer people

Dan shelling out another $100 at Yodobashi Camera. This is what addiction looks like people

I liked the Tepco Girl commercials. They're great

Going to see fireworks in Yokohama

Oh no... not Jenga again. Looks like somebody lost

It's Mark, the Badminton Zombie

Chilling out

That's it for now! More later!

My Favorite Web sites

Frodaddy's Home Page
