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Family Matters

What do my parents think of my hobby? They are pretty cool with it overall, and they will even help out with the occasional purchase if necessary. My dad is happy that I find some interest in his field of electronics, and will help me clean any systems or cables that get dirty or corroded. My mom has admonished me several times on the subject, she thinks I should stop worrying about buying more games and focus more on savings for college. Eventually she's given up, realizing that this is just something that I do as a hobby. And of course there are worse things i could be doing in my spare time.

This is my sister, Katie. She's two years older than me, even though we were born on the same date. She was born on March 6, 1981. I was born on March 6, 1983. I don't know anybody else that has their birthdays like that, so I guess it is pretty unique. Currently she is enrolled at Chapel Hill, and she hopes to be a physical therapist in the future.

Unfortunately, she does not share my passion for video games. She mostly thinks they are a waste of time, but has been known to play a game or two of Tetris from time to time. She thinks my hobby of collecting is a little strange. But she puts up with it anyway.

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