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"Eh bien! mes amis, cette distance de Neptune au Soleil n'est rien encore, si on la compare à celle des étoiles; en effet, pour évaluer l'éloignement de ces astres, il faut entrer dans cette numération éblouissante où le plus petit nombre a neuf chiffres, et prendre le milliard pour unité. Je vous demande pardon d'être si ferré sur cette question, mais elle est d'un intérêt palpitant. Écoutez et jugez! Alpha du Centaure est à huit mille milliards de lieues, Véga à cinquante mille milliards, Sirius à cinquante mille milliards, Arcturus à cinquante-deux mille milliards, la Polaire à cent dix-sept mille milliards, la Chèvre à cent soixante-dix mille milliards, les autres étoiles à des mille et des millions et des milliards de milliards de lieues! Et l'on viendrait parler de la distance qui sépare les planètes du Soleil! Et l'on soutiendrait que cette distance existe! Erreur! fausseté! aberration des sens! Savez-vous ce que je pense de ce monde qui commence à l'astre radieux et finit à Neptune? Voulez-vous connaître ma théorie? Elle est bien simple! Pour moi, le monde solaire est un corps solide, homogène; les planètes qui le composent se pressent, se touchent, adhèrent, et l'espace existant entre elles n'est que l'espace qui sépare les molécules du métal le plus compacte, argent ou fer, or ou platine! J'ai donc le droit d'affirmer, et je répète avec une conviction qui vous pénétrera tous: "La distance est un vain mot, la distance n'existe pas!"
Michel Ardan. De la Terre a la Lune par Jules Verne

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Radio and TV on the net
It surprises me how we miss the "grandeur" and wonders of nations that are real examples of how magnificent people and societies can be. It is often difficult to get to know other countries' culture, music, languages, ideas, technological advances, etc. by the local traditional media (radio, TV, movies) as several (above all economical) interests often rule what we can "see" and "listen" and if we do get to know something it is regularly only "bad" news. The following links will take you to radio and TV stations from all around the world where you will be able to be informed, learn, travel -with your imagination- and, hopefully, you will be as delighted as I am realizing how wonderful the people are everywhere. There are thousands of similar sites on the net but these are my favorites:

R@DIO DIMENSION. Station specialized in Heavy Meta, Progressive, and Electronic Rock.

To play these stations you'll have to download the Real Audio player which you can download (for free) in the following site:

Download the Real Player

If you already have it, just click on the following links:

LCI.TV station in French. Live. (France)(you'll need a 28.8 kbps connection at least)

Radio UNAM.Radio station in Spanish. Culture,news, and music. Live. (Mexico City, Mexico)

Formato 21.Radio station in Spanish. National and International news and analysis. Live. (Mexico City, Mexico)

Radio Mitre. Radio station in Spanish. Talk shows and music. Live (Argentina)

Vivo Caracol. Radio station in Spanish . Live. (Colombia)

Noticiario Venevision. TV station in Spanish. Briefings on National and International news.Recorded every two or three days. (Venezuela)

World Radio Networks. Radio station in German. National and International news, cultural events, and music. Live. (Germany)

SAFM Live. Radio station in English. Rock music, talk shows, and news. Live. (Australia)

KMEX en vivo!. TV station in Spanish. Talk and game shows, news, latin movies. Live (California, USA). This station has an excellent encoding and the transmission is very good at 28,800 kbps.

International Audio on demand. Radio stations in several languages. National and International news, events, music, interviews, and culture. Daily recordings and live transmissions. Check out Radio Netherlands (Netherlands), Radio France International (France)and Voice of Russia (Moscou,Russia). Audio on Demand provides a more stable connection.

Universidad Regiomontana. Radio and video stations in Spanish. Culture, science, and technology. Recorded and live transmisions (Monterrey, Mexico)

Russia Today. TV station in English. National and International news briefings. Daily recorded (Russia)

You can also browse for stations at:

Radio and Video stations


WCNN Live stations

Internet Development
One of the best ways to make the internet what we want it ot be is to participate on its development. Right now is very easy to get started on this (with a little research it becomes virtually free). The following notes will give you a good starting point and some orientation on the path to follow to create your presence and make your voice count.
JAVA PRICIPLES (By Lucio Gayosso). Notes on emerging platform-independent JAVA development.

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Background music: Yanni's "Marching Season" from the album "Chameleon Days"

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Listen to: R@DIO DIMENSION and let your mind fly...
Escucha: R@DIO DIMENSION y deja a tu mente volar...