Myst & Shadoe
Myst is a gorgeous Light ColorPoint Grey Agouti (LCPGA) who was one of three pups from Gawain & Celes's Litter #3, born on February 9, 1999. He is a big guy, and very, very attentive to Shadoe. He's a great father to his pups and is extremely patient with them, letting them climb all over him.
Shadoe is from the same litter and is Myst's sister. She is a beautiful Siamese and has a tail that is jet black. Shadoe is an extremely friendly girl, which is probably an inherited trait from her mother and father, and is always ready to see what's coming down in "the hand" - a treat perhaps?They had their first litter of 3 pups on June 29, 1999, and have the distinct honor of being the first new parents at our new home. They had a male and female LCPGA (or LCPA?) and one whose color I don't know. She's all white, no ticking, and has smoky smudges on her nose, ears, feet and tail. She hasn't molted yet, which may prove her to be a more definitive color. Elizabeth seems to think she may be a Light ColorPoint Dark Eyed Honey (LCPDEH), but we've never seen one so we're not sure! Check the Current Events to see what's decided with her color.
They are capable of producing some beautiful colors, including Dark Tailed White, ColorPoint Agouti, Light ColorPoint Agouti, Siamese, Burmese, ColorPoint Grey Agouti, Light ColorPoint Grey Agouti, ColorPoint Dark Eyed Honey, Light ColorPoint Dark Eyed Honey and ColorPoint Slate. This is a nice variation of colorpoints, and though some of them are rather hard to tell apart, they're not very common at this point.
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