Time to Renew Your Vows?

Planning your reaffirmation

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Sample Simple Ceremony

When you decide it is time to look back over your time with your mate and recommit to each other, make it a unique and sacred time. Following in a sample ceremony.


Wife and Husband, when you first joined hands and hearts (___) years ago, you did not know where life would take you. You promised to love, honor and cherish one another through all things. Life has surely brought you both wonderful blessings and difficult times. Therefore, you have fulfilled your promise. You have now come to this beautiful setting, to renew your vows and commitment of love for each other.

As you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another.

Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together - as you shall remain each other’s home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect for each other.

Say I love you each day.


Minister: As you come here today to reaffirm your wedding vows and as you reflect back over all the years as husband and wife, do you now reaffirm the vows you took (__) years ago?

Wife/Husband: We do.

Minister: Wife, is it your wish to confirm your commitment to Husband?
Wife: Yes it is.
Minister: Take Husband’s hand and repeat after me…
Wife: (can write own vows or use these) From our first kiss, I knew you were my soulmate. As I looked into your eyes, at our wedding, I knew I was looking into the eyes, of my children’s father, and my husband. I promise to cherish you, to celebrate each day with you, as the precious gift it is, in the good times, and the bad, for all the days of our lives together.

Minister: Husband, is it your wish to reaffirm your commitment to Wife?
Husband: Yes it is.
Minister: Take Wife’s hand and repeat after me…
Husband: (can write own vows or use these) I too saw my soulmate in your eyes, we have come together, laughed and cried together, because of you, I am the father of our children, I promise to cherish you, to celebrate each day with you, as the precious gift it is, in the good times, and the bad, for all the days of our lives together.

Minister: (other readings are included below) As the poet Wilferd Arlan Peterson wrote;
“Across the years I’ll walk with you,
In deep green forest,
On shores of sand,
And when our time on earth is through in heaven too,
You will have my hand.”


Minister: For years you have worn the rings that symbolize your committee to each other. The rings you wear are unbroken circles that have no beginning and no end, a symbol of unity and love, representative of the greater circle of life of which we are all a part. Do you wish to continue this public affirmation?

Wife and Husband: We do.

Minister: Wife/Husband, is it your desire to continue to wear the ring of your husband/wife to represent your love and commitment?
Wife/Husband: It is.
Minister: Place the ring on his/her finger and repeat after me…
With this ring, I reaffirm the love in my heart for you, remembering where we have been, celebrating where we are now, and looking forward to where we are going, my love is with you always.

Minister: May your love always encircle each other, as these rings encircle your fingers.


May the sun bring you new energy by day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your worries.
And may you live the days of your lives in peace, love, and happiness.


Wife and Husband, having witnessed your vows of affirmation with those assembled here, and by the authority of love itself, I do affirm that you have expressed your desire to continue as husband and wife.

You may seal your vows with a kiss!


It is my honor to present to you, once again as husband and wife: (names).

Other possible quotes to use in the ceremony

Married Love
Kuan Tao-Sheng

You and I
Have so much love,
That it
Burns like a fire,
In which we bake a lump of clay
Molded into a figure of you
And a figure of me.
Then we take both of them,
And break them into pieces,
And mix the pieces with water,
And mold again a figure of you,
And a figure of me.
I am in your clay.
You are in my clay.
In life we share a single quilt.
In death we will share a single coffin.

Emily Bronte

…he’s more myself than I am.
Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same…