Ash Semi-Portable Gatling Gun

In most games people get mad when you use the Gatling Gun. I use it every once in a while. If you get it set up in a good spot it will serve you well. On the ground unless you're in an open spot you aren't that deadly. Don't expect to get loads of kills though, because when you're behind a Gat you are stuck. After you kill a player he knows your location and will come up with a plan to get you. They try to figure out a plan to get up in your face as fast as possible with minimal contact. A good Mary player will sacrifice herself to strafe up in your face and blast you one good time with her shotgun. A tactic suggested to me by OLM_Dogg is to throw dynamite. He says it works quite well. No character in my opinion really excels with the Gat more than another. Gat's seem to do really well when set up on top of buildings and in high spots. Watch out for snipers though, especially Anderson's, because they will do in you and your big Gat really fast will their accurate rifle.