Innovative Outlaws Maps

Canaderness by OGB_Oze
If you've ever played the Wilderness CD Map you'll know your way around this one. Oze put in a little twist, though, making this a battle between the Canadians and the Americans. The flags are modified to be Canadian and American flags and each building has a unique personality being a home to an Outlaws player. Don Maximo and Goliath` are mentioned. This map also has a mod. weapon, an alien gatling gun. It's fun to use and shoots some sort of green liquid. Oze also had some humor in a secret spot in this map. You find a Sheriff's Badge behind a sign saying, "Do Not Touch", and you will die if you touch it!
The Flag and Mod. Gatling Gun
The Secret Area
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Forgivenby DTG_Tater
This is just a basic map. It has a little river, and a few buildings. I also kind of hate it because when you regenerate there are these big drops where you fall down to the map. I don't know the purpose of these, but they almost kill my little Sanchez. This map wouldn't be anything special without the awesome mod. weapon. It is a Double Barrel Shotgun/Gatling Gun. It looks like a Gatling Gun, but shoots continious shotgun blasts. This gun is tons of fun, and makes this map pretty cool.
The Mod. Gatling Gun
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Last Gunfightby Slaters_Dog
This map is really cool to play. Although I am horrible at this map, I always end up laughing alot. When you first jump in, you'll see cactuses. Tons of Cactuses. But before you know it, someone has blasted a shotgun in your back, and you see a cactus hopping away. I swear I was laughing my head off the first time I saw this map. See, Slater had modified all of the characters to look like cactuses. If you stand still, the only way for anyone to really see you is to spray bullets and see which cactus draws blood. Play this map and you're in for lots of fun.
My Friend Jumping Around
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Launchpadby FLoPuR
This is the most futuristic Outlaws map ever. There is no gravity, And you can jump 3 miles high, bounce off walls, and get shot down out of the air. This map is like some sort of alien moonbase. All weapons are modified, but they look the same. They have different names and strengths. The IM Mine is the exception though, looking like a box with default walls and having 500 power (overkill). Forget Mine, this thing is a mini-Nuclear Bomb. FLoPuR may have since changed the weapon strengths, but you'll never see a map like this again.
Launchpad from the Sky
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Winner's Circleby Blackthorn and Picante
This map is very unique and is played a certain way. You play the game in a King of the Hill format. First, you make teams, and be sure they're even. Everyone starts in rooms secluded from the rest of the level. One for blue and one for red. In these rooms you have no weapons. You can watch the battles going on in the arena from 2 viewing windows that are invisible from inside. You pick your weapons up going down tunnels into the 1 on 1 arena. Players go down one at a time fighting a series of 1 on 1 battles. The winner stays. It's is pretty fun, especially since it is the only map of it's type.
The View From a Window
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Showdown at Five Points by Hmn_Bad_Aim
This map is really unique. It is a CTF map and is well designed. The center building holds double-pistols. They are powerful and fun to use. The mapmaker also had a cool idea dealing with the CTF. You pick up keys in the middle building and you use them to unlock the door to the other team's base. There are other ways into the base such as through the roof or a top floor window but the key provides the only direct access to the flag. The first time I played this map I played Hmn_Bad_Aim himself. He was tearing me up at first 'cause of those durn double pistols. But it's a cool map and it's something new so I had lots of fun playing it.
Reloading the Double Pistols
Firing the Double Pistols
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Pacman by Karrde
This is a very original map. You play in the best possible reproduction of the Pac-Man maze. All characters are modified to Pac-Man characters. Dr. Death as Pac-Man, Mary is Ms. Pac-Man, and Jack is Inky just to name a few. It even includes the dots as canteens which each give you one fifth of a heart. There are a few additions though. You can jump up onto the walls of the maze and the large white dots are medium boiler plates. Only one drawback. All characters except for mary and doc are ghosts and have no hands. An awesome idea and a very fun map.
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Bungle in the Jungle by Krummwaffe
This is a really cool map. It is the best war simulation map there is. Or at least that I've seen. You creep around in a jungle with 2 realistic tanks, a pond, and a secret dirt tunnel. You fight with regular weapons, except for the machine gun and assault cannon. The machine gun is completely realistic, and one of the best mod. weapons I've seen. The other is ok. The gun looks good, but it looks like it shoots a big bubble. A real fun map though.
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