My favorite game to play on the internet is Lucasart's Outlaws. I've been playing for about a year now and enjoy playing and talking to the other players. I play on mIRC and the Zone and you can find me under the alias "shotgun_j" in mIRC and _Shotgun_Joe_ in the Zone. If you have the game and would like to play the first step will be to download mIRC or Zone. Links will be supplied below. The server you'll want to be on is Dalnet. I don't know any great Dalnet servers because Outlaws used to be on Undernet. The Channel to then go to is #outlaws_players. The Zone is laggier but has more players and games all the time. If you need help talk to one of the Operaters such as @Garbotalk or @SIR_Kohna. Goliath` is also very helpful. You will have to download patches to update your version of Outlaws to play also. Hope to see you online soon.