Sawed-Off Shotgun

This is the most powerful shotgun and said by some to be the most powerful gun in the game. If you are within fifteen feet. This is my best shotgun for some reason. I am horrible with the Double-Barrel and Single-Barrel Shotguns. Unfortunately I cannot use it most of the time, both because of players getting mad and it's limited availability in levels. You find this gun mainly in CD maps, and you're very lucky to be holding one in a level designer's map. My favorite kill with the sawed-off was in Repair against OLM_Lank. I was stationed in the overhang above the stairs, with the sawed-off in hand. He ran in the upstairs room to get himself a heavy boiler plate I suppose. But little did he know I had dropped down and was now waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, He had barely gotten around the corner before he was blasted across the room into a table. I had a good laugh over that one. He chased me around with a shotgun for a about five minutes after the incident. If you are really wanting some kills make sure to stay away from open areas, and in close spaces blast pellets in every direction.