Don't worry about most people who use dynamite. They will usually blow themselves up anyway. But if you find a good dynamite thrower, watch out. These guys usually pick Sanchez. Sanchez starts with 7 dynamite sticks, and can chunk it farther than anyone. Most of these guys time the dynamite, and love to blow it up in your face. The craziest thing that ever happened to me was in a 1 on 1 with Goliath` in Old Mexico. I was in this church building, talking to Goliath` with Alt-Y. I see this little Dr. Death running over the pews...He jumps up in my face and throws a piece of lit dynamite in my face. And another and another until the first blows up. He blew himself up and me up. I swear I was stuck in the ceiling for 15 seconds before I came down. If you know there is a good t.n.t. player in the map, go for boiler plates. They are the best defense.