Hardy Boyz Estrogen Brigade

June 11, 1999: Hello! Welcome to the Hardy Boyz Estrogen Brigade! This is a page is for all those who drool over the Hardys! Check out all the neat stuff and enjoy the time and effort I've put into the site! I hope you enjoy looking through it as much as I've enjoyed making it! :) Oh, one more thing as of right now it's still under construction.

UpdateOct. 03, 2000: Ah ha! I just got 50 MB's for this place! Now to get some updating done...ohh...and I saw the Hardyz at the house show this past Sunday...all I cna say is YUM! hope to get piccys here soon..and forgive the mess, i'm rennovating....*sighs* And the Hardys are going ot be on Byte This tonight at 6pm till 7pm. (just found out about a half hour ago) Oh and the piccy featured here I found at Hellfire's Hot Men of Wrestling (www.hhmow.com) Shameless plug the one of our memebers...and I'm working on getting new members up, there is so many of you guys out there and I have school and work too sooo... :)

How To Become a Member Here's all the nifty stuff you need to know to be a member of the HBEB.

Members List Here's a list of the memebrs of the HBEB

Terms Used in the HBEB Go here to learn what I'll be talking about when I mintion certain things!

House Show Gallery This is the gallery of pics I took at my first house show in Richmond on May 16th. It has pics of the Hardys in it.

Hardy Boyz Fan Fiction Here are a few stories written about the Hardys.

Links, Webrings, and Banners This is where you'll find links to other Hardy Boyz sites and banners and such.

Learn About Me Go here to learn more about me.

In Bed with The Boyz Here is a section of absolutly drool worthy pictures of the boys.

Disclaimers and Picture Credits This is where the disclaimers are for everything to save space on the pages themselves.

Read my Dreambook!
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