The Carolina Wrestling Federation returned to Graham, NC once again under the FWA-Carolinas banner for a big show dubbed "Explosive Elements" headlined by a unique main event where the Heavyweight championships of two different promotions on the line in a tag team match.
In the opener, the $outh$ide Playas defeated CWF Tag Team Champions Los Latinos Locos in a non-title match. The Locos attempted a double team maneuver off the top rope, but missed, and one of the Kozmos struck his own partner with an elbowdrop accidentally. This gave LA Ca$h the chance to make the hot tag to J-Money, and moments later, the Playas hit 3P (the Playas Phat Phinish) to take the victory.
Nite-Stic Eddie Brown was out next to take on Playboy Bert Tripp, but not before getting in the face of the Flock at ringside. At about thirteen minutes in, Stic used a double leg takedown on Tripp and placed his own feet on the middle ropes to get a tainted pinfall. The referee was informed of Brown's tactics and in a judgment call, re-started the match. Brown continued to work on Tripp and went for his spinning doctor bomb, but Tripp countered with a flatliner to get the pin. Good match.
Gemini Kid made his way to the ring and inquired about the stipulations for his match tonight. CWF Commissioner Eddie Gilchrist informed him that he would be taking on Sexton Tyler, the younger brother of Mikael Yamaha, and if Gemini didn't get the win, he would not get another shot at Yamaha's Cruiserweight championship for a year. Tyler made his way to the ring, accompanied by Yamaha and the lovely Amber Holly. Gemini made Tyler's leg his central focus for much of the contest, and worked it over utilizing a traditional figure four leglock, as well as a figure four around the ring post, ala Bret Hart. With Tyler down, Gemini attempted a top-rope kneedrop but Tyler moved out of the way just in time. With Gemini stunned, Tyler caught him with an Oklahoma roll (or a magistral cradle, if you prefer) for a surprising pinfall. Match overall was passable, psychology was definitely there.
CWF Cruiserweight Champion Mikael Yamaha (with Amber Holly) was out following intermission to defend his title against "The Original Freak Show" Nemesis. Upon his entrance, a very卽nique moment occurred with Nemesis winking at the Amazing Sideshow. Gemini Kid returned to ringside to second Nemesis, but as soon as he tried to interfere, he was stopped (and eventually nailed with a chair) by Amber. Yamaha picked up the victory after a northern lights suplex. After the match, Gemini got back up and was joined in the ring by GeeStar, who attacked Amber Holly. Gemini and GeeStar locked Yamaha and Holly respectively in stereo STFs as Nemesis taunting Amber until Sexton Tyler, limping noticeably, made the save.
The extreme lucha icon, the Ric Flair of the indys, and just the damn man, Cham Pain made his way to the ring to take on Ethan Cage. Pain was all over the Graham crowd during his patented pre-match promo, inspiring chants of "we're not worthy" and "this town sucks" from the Hardcore Flock Club. Pain dominated much on the match, and with no disrespect to Cage intended, continues to show that the fact that he does not have a contract somewhere is a travesty. Pain hit the Pain killer and had the match won, but referee Vern Stephens broke the count when he saw Pain's feet on the ropes. Cage got in a few offensive moves and was going for a Dreamer driver (sort of a reverse DDT where the opponent is first draped over the shoulder of the person executing the move), which Pain countered with a second Pain killer, and this time scored the clean pin.
In the main event, CWF Heavyweight Champion Madd Maxx teamed with ECPW Heavyweight Champion Iceman Joe Storm to take on CWF number one contender Jeff Justice and ECPW number one contender Rob the Bull McBride. Going into the match, if either champion was pinned, both titles would change hands and go to the respective number one contenders. Maxx nailed a tumbling senton on McBride early in the match up and after Justice was tagged in, followed it up with a series of Dusty Rhodes-style punches and a Bionic Elbow! Maxx also caught McBride on the apron with a second bionic elbow and followed it up with the Dusty strut. The match broke down into a pier six brawl all around the building with Maxx cracking McBride with a chair on the outside and Joe Storm getting flung into the wall of the Graham Rec. Center. Chairs came into play several more times on the outside, but eventually McBride and Maxx ended up in the ring. McBride grabbed Maxx and signaled for Justice to grab the chair. He did, and flung it towards Maxx, going for a VanDaminator, but Maxx ducked and McBride caught the chair, as well as the standing dropkick from Justice that came along with it. Maxx nailed Justice then caught McBride with a Stunner for the pinfall, as both men retained their championships. The addition of Storm and McBride to the mix made for a good match, Maxx looked good also.
Pretty solid overall, good action in the main event and the Nite-Stic/Tripp matches. Yamaha still needs some work, but shows potential. Can't say enough good things about the $outh$ide Playas or Cham Pain. Nite-Stic Eddie Brown is starting to show he's among the most underrated talents in the state as well. CWF will be in Burlington on August 18th at the Lakeview Civitans Ballfield for "Payback".