Back to the Future Minutia Quiz

Back to the Future Minutia Quiz


Some of you will find this easy. Some of you will find it boring. Hopefully some of you will find it stimulating enough to go watch these wonderful movies again.


How much did gas cost at the Texaco Station in 1955?
(go watch the scene where George Mcfly helps Marty open the Pepsi bottle)

What brand name guitar does Marty play in the Pinheads?

Where does Marty keep his guitar when he is not playing it?
(Be more specific than "In his room".)

What musical instrument does Doc keep in his garage?
(It's visible in the background several times, but watch the scene where Lorraine comes to Doc's garage)

What kind of car do The Starlighters smoke in?
What is their license plate number?

When Clara is leaving town in BTTF3, to what city does she buy a train ticket?
BONUS POINT: How does the above question tie-in with Mary Steenburgen's other time-travel Movie?

Where does Lorraine buy her dress for the dance?
(Watch BTTF2)

Who starred in the Atomic Kid?
(Watch for the Town Theater)

What is Lou's last name?

Does Marty ever say "Great Scott"?
Does Doc ever say "This is heavy"?

Click here for the answers

Where To Next?

Musical notes and sources
(BTTF music trivia and where to get "Mr. Sandman" and others)

My Back to the Future Trivia page

My Back to the Future II Trivia page

My Back to the Future III Trivia page

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