Thennnn..after the friends and I went out to the gate where the buses would be pulling out..and we had the **perfect** spot! Finally after long anticipation hehe..the buses by one. First was the black one..Howie's bus. We were waving..and he was at the window on our side..and looked and waved..too cute! Next was AJ's was silver..he was sitting at the window cause I saw his arm..the tattoos..but he had his blinds pulled down. :( Next..was Brian's ::sigh:: Now Brian is my bud Amanda's she was dying lol. His came and turned the corner..right at the perfect spot..where we were standing..and he was sitting RIGHT at the front big window!!! He was like 3 ft. away from us..plain as day..ohh soo cute!!! So my bud and I are waving like i scream out 'Brian!!'..he looked right at us..and waved!!! Amanda fell right to the ground taking me down w/ her..and we were both still waving even on the ground LMAO. He had the cutest expression..ahhh. Next was Nick's bus..Nick's my fave..soo I was very excited hehe. I saw him sitting on the couch in his bus..God he looked ohhh so always :) He looked up and gave that smile..u know the one?! I melted right Soo then we're running back to our car (no Kevy bus encounter..yet..hehe)..and I see the buses crossing the parking lot..I saw Nick's and I yell out 'OMG NICK'S BUS!' LOL everyone in the parking lot looked at me like i was crazy..but's not like u see Nick's bus everyday lol Then we ran into this security guard there at Hershey..and he said they were going into the park to ride a few rides. Good thing my friend Jamie worked at the park..or the guard wouldnt have told us this lol. So we were like..omg..and hi-tailed it across 2 parking the park lol. To make this long story..SHORTER..lmao..we waited there for about maybe an hour and a half. We were literally 5 ft. from the body of Nick Carter when he stepped off his bus They rode the roller coaster that we were standing right in front when they went up the hill of it..we were waving like crazy of course..but I couldnt really tell which person was which. I wanted to get Nick's I yelled at the top of my lungs "Nick..I Love You!!!!"..this figure in the very last seat of the coaster raised his hand..screamed 'Whooo'..and waved..I was like Holy Monkies of Mercy..that's Nick Carter!!! He heard his future wife tell him she loves him LMAO. Ahh! So that happened twice actually cause when they came around again he did it again..and I just screamed/waved lol. I was about to pee my pants too..I was like gonna cry lol. So then we hear they're coming out. We were closest to Nick's bus..and the guards wouldnt let us go near the ones in front of his darn it. So they're coming out..and I saw feet under the buses coming lol. Nick stopped in between the little crack that was between his and Brian's bus..and smiled/waved..tooo freakin' cute/hot..ahh I was in heaven lol. So their buses start to friends and I run to the curb..where they would be going RIGHT BY US! Everyone was obviously in the back of their buses except Kev/Nick and AJ. I saw AJ at the window again..his tats lol..and kinda turned around and gave us a nod..this is before he went into rehab..guess he was sad :( :( Soo Kev's comes..he's right at the window like Brian was..and God was he beautiful..looked like a model lol. So we were waving and he was looking right at all 3 of us..cause we were the only ones standing on that curb. ::sigh:: When it came to pass us..I blew him a kiss and he blew one back!!!!! Soo then we wanted to see 'em again before they hit the we ran..and I 2 parking lots to get to 'em. We made it just in time for Kev and Nick's!!! Kev's came..and someone had joined him..his wife Kristin! She was soooo pretty!!! She was standing there behind him waving at us and smiling..they probably saw us running like idiots through the parking lot..cause Kev was kinda laughing..:P Kev blew us a kiss again..2 from Kev in one night..ohhh yea!! :D Thennn Nick's came..::sigh::..soo he was looking down..again sitting on his couch..and I screamed 'Nick!'..and he looked up..waved and smiled..Oh Good Lord..he is adorable lol. Then we were walking back to the car..and my friend Jamie's like..Why's that bus stopped up there? And the black bus (Howie's) had stopped in the middle of the we fast as a racehorse that road. We had to run through hedges lol..and we're yelling 'Noo..Wait!'..Howie was there at his window..and I was like OMG..and waving..anddd then..they alll left us. But I have other reviews to come...soo look out for those..:) I've typed a lot..but it was an unbelievable night..KTBSPA!!
Pictures from Hershey!!
Black and Blue '01--Index