- Full Name: Nicholas Gene Carter
- Height: About 6'-and still growing
- Weight: 162 lbs.
- Nicknames: Prefers Nick, Nicky, Hyperman, Kaos, Messy Marvin (he is always spilling stuff!)
- Birthplace/Birthdate: Jamestown, New York; January 28, 1980
- Pets: 4 pugs:Mike, Willy, Nicky, and Houston
- Marital Status: he said he was seeing somebody
- Family Status: Parents Jane and Bob; brother Aaron; sisters BJ, Leslie, and Angel; Nick is the oldest of five children-Aaron and Angel are fraternal twins and the youngest
- Favorite Color: Dark Green
- Favorite foods: Pizza, McDonalds
- Favorite Drink: Coca-Cola
- Favortie Sport: Basketball, boating, fishing; he is a certified scuba driver and he loves to drive his family's boat in the Gulf of Mexico
- Greatest Fear: The dark
- Favorite Cars: Stingrays and Camaros
- Favorite music: Journey, Nirvana, Jodeci, Oasis, Shai, Micheal Jackson
- Favortie Cologne: Gravity
- What he looks for in a girl: Nick says he prefers brown-haired girls, but
- Dream Date: A walk on the beach with a kind-hearted girl
- Secret Confessions: Nick confesses to not having many friends. He also wasn't popular in school because he knew he was different from everyone else and was drivien to pursue music at an early age. He confesses to listening to country music. He had a little part in Edward Scissorhands in 1990.
- Favorite TV shows: The X-Files, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Beavis & Butt Head, Mad About You
- Favorite Actresses: Christina Ricci, Sigourney Weaver
- Favorite Actor: Bruce Willis
- Favorite Movie: Aliens
- Favorite saying: It's all good!
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