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Dr. Herman Mangler; AKA "Nightcrawler"

First Appearance: Cypheroid

Character Bio:
Dr. Herman Mangler was a geneticist convicted of manufacturing nightmare creatures in his private lab. He shared his prison cell with Blackthorne Shore. When they escaped in Cypheroid, Dr. Mangler fell into a lake contaminated with toxic waste. He died there, but Blackthorne later recovered his remains. Mangler’s consciousness had remained in his skull however, so Blackthorne released D. Compose again, and had him resurect Mangler in exchange. Mangler now goes by the name Nightcrawler. He was in alliance with Blackthorne until after they released a monster known a the Gagoyle to destroy D. Compose. Nightcrawler then turned on his allience with him, and forced Blackthorne to claim him as his master.

Nightcrawler looks like a really big white "thing" with a blue torso. His head is skull-like with glowing blue eye-sockets, and his right arm is a long whip-like tentacle (In my opinion it looks like a big maggot).

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