Hello everyone! Welcome to my Jars of Clay homepage!! My name is Katie, and I AM jArSfReEk! The purpose of this page is to inform you as much as possible about the band that is JARS OF CLAY!! Yes, we all know that they totally rawk, but there's more too them then that, and that's my job, to tell you all about the "other stuff". So have fun surfing!
Oh, and don't forget to check back regular to see any updates. I'll try to do some at least once a month...I am a busy highschooler! :) If there is ANYTHING you would like to see added, just E-mail me and I'll consider putting it up! I love getting suggestions! But please keep from sending flames and bad stuff, if you can't say anything nice...just keep it to yourself! :) And don't forget to sign the guestbook! :) Peace out...
Otayers! The concert stuff is up! It's not quite in it's entirety, but I've got the letters up and two pics. GO CHECK IT OUT! Especially if you haven't been to a Jars concert...I always got pumped up reading about other concerts! :) "THE Concert of a LIFETIME!!!" is located here.
If you have any sightings of Jar-boy look alikes, e-mail me!