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APRS is a multifacited system for use with packet radio by Hams, it allows the monitoriing of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. It envolves mapping, GPS tracking, packet radio, etc. It is a VERY interesting facit of packet radio and has much to offer most everyone.

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This page was last updated on February 20, 2000
Table Of Contents

Download APRS
Click here to download any APRS files from TAPR or
Click APRS846 to download the current version of DOSAPRS.
Click AMAX846 to download the corresponding MAX version for use with the above program.

Click here to download any WinAPRS files from WinAPRS at Rutgers or

Click here to download any MacAPRS files from MacAPRS at Rutgers.

See APRS Live
Click here and choose a region to see APRS live.(Be patient...the applet, map and data files are over 200k, so depending on your connection speed it may take a couple of minutes to load.)
