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T2K Martial Arts Supplemental Rules
Acrobatic Attack
The martial arts that use this skill stress limberness and acrobatic tumbling used to enhance martial arts attacks.  A character using this skill must declare it at the beginning of the round.  The character will attack by tumbling, swinging on objects, or rolling into attack range.  These attacks are very difficult to parry, penalizing the opponent by making the parry 1 level more difficult than usual.  Also, the acrobatic attack his a lot of momentum behind it, adding +1d6 damage. The acrobatically attacking characters parry is normal (due to rolling in and out of the opponents fighting distance), and it is almost impossible to Knockdown a tumbling character (Easy maneuver to resist).  However, all Damage Resistance checks are at -20 and opponents add +1d6 (cumulative) damage modifier to a successful attack due to a lack of stability if struck.  If an exceptional attack is made (01-03), the acrobat actually flips onto his opponent and can either strike with a +2d6 damage bonus, or can twist and flip the opponent brutally (treat as Throw, below).  If an exceptional fumble is rolled (97-100), the acrobat flips right into the opponents attack, giving the opponent a +3d6 damage bonus.
Characters trained in this skill know how to land correctly if falling, flying through the air (for example, from an explosion), swept, or thrown.  When swept or thrown, the character can roll to parry as if defending against a strike.  If a successful AGL x 5 check is made (difficulty assigned by GM), the character can roll to his feet without penalty.
Combat Focus
This skill reflects killer-instinct training that takes control when the character is threatened.  If the character fails to resist damage in any kind of hand-to-hand combat, they must immediately make a Difficult INT test.  Failure indicates the character loses control of his characters actions.  The player still rolls his characters attack rolls, but cannot choose what kind of attack is made or when to stop until a successful Difficult INT test is made.  
While focused, the character feels no pain (DM must keep track) and attacks with his most powerful techniques/weapon at +1D6 cumulative damage.  No coolness under fire tests are rolled while Focused unless opponent manages a powerful strike or subdual hold (DM`s call).  If the check fails, the character does not panic as usual but loses his Focused state and cannot enter it again for 24 hours.
Dirty Fighting
These techniques used in combat are considered "unfair" or "dirty tricks" sneak attacks of fighting.  Any character can use these attacks, but certain combat-intensive martial arts train to use these as part of their normal fighting repertoire, where other arts ignore these attacking methods, using them only as last-ditch desperation techniques.
Throwing sand in eyes, groin strikes/pinches, ear claps, throat strikes/pokes, eye gouging…these and more represent the dirty fighters techniques.  They are done not so much for the damage of the attack, compared to the momentary disabling effect they have on their opponent.  
For this attack to be successful, a Difficult attack roll is made, and the opponent makes a Parry roll to determine if he noticed the Dirty Attack and avoided it.  If he does not avoid the attack, the opponent takes normal damage and must make a Difficult STA check; success means the attack was resisted and no damage occurred; any future Dirty Fighting trick attempted for the rest of the combat is a Very Difficult maneuver (the opponent now knows how you fight).  A failed STA check means the Dirty Trick attack is successful and the opponent is now stunned 1-3 rounds.  While stunned, the opponent`s movement rate is halved, he cannot attack, and all parries are increased in difficulty by 1 level.
Dual Weapons
The character can use certain weapons taught as weapon katas paired without penalty, as if fully ambidextrous.  This does not apply to any other weapons usage (i.e. other weapons not taught within the martial art).  There is not any damage modifier when using two weapons, but an opponent trying to parry these attacks can only do so with a one rank of difficulty penalty than their normal blocking maneuvers.
Not the ability to pass out, this martial skill is used to draw an opponents attention to a false attack, opening their defenses to the real strike.  To use this skill, the character must declare it at the beginning of the round.  The opponent must make a Difficult check using his BC skill.  Failure means the opponents parry is a Very difficult skill.  If the opponent is successful, the feinting character loses his ability to parry that round.
The martial artist is trained extensively in fighting while prone or supine.  He suffers no penalties while striking while prone, and follows the rules for grappling/wrestling found in the basic T2K rules with a +5 grappling bonus.  A character not trained in groundfighting grapples as per the normal rules, but all striking is at -10 and damage is halved when prone.  A martial art that does not have any grappling training (as per Disadvantages) suffers the following penalties: all grappling is at -10, all damage is halved, and all grappling escapes are Very Difficult maneuvers.  
This skill allows characters to resist being moved or picked up.  This skill doubles their ability to resist knockdown from a non-ballistic attack, and gives a resistance check against being moved against their will.  A character with this skill also increases an attacker`s difficulty by 1 when attempting a sweep or throw.
The "spirit shout" of some external styles adds a +2 damage modifier when successfully striking the opponent immediately after kiai-ing. The chances of others hearing the kiai are the same as if the character fired an unsilenced firearm.
Leaping Attack  
The leaping character adds +1d6 damage to the strike, and the opponent subtracts 3 from his Stature statistic to resist being knocked down.  However, the attacker has a -5 penalty to his attack roll, and if the he misses he falls to the ground and is prone next turn.
Note that in some arts both Leaping Attack and Spinning Attack are taught as Martial Skills.  In that case, the two can be combined (for example, a jump spinning kick) and the damage modifiers are cumulative, but so are the penalties.
There are many different methods of meditation (Taoist, Buddhist, etc.); they each have different means but the same goal; for gameplay purposes, they are regarded as equal.  For every 20 skill points invested in the art, the martial artist can meditate for ˝ an hour.  Each hour of meditation is the same as 2 hours of sleep.  While meditating, the character is aware of their surroundings, only suffering a -10 penalty to Recon checks to awaken to any disturbance within a 1 meter radius per 10 points of skill level.
Multiple Attackers
This martial skill reflects a particular arts tactics in dealing very effectively with multiple attackers.  A character knowing this skill can negate multiple attackers bonuses, up to 1 person for every 20 skill points known in the art.
Multiple Strikes
This ability allows the martial artist to unleash an astonishing number of strikes in a combat round.  These strikes are so furious it increases the difficulty maneuver to parry them by one rank.  The disadvantage to using this martial skill is it requires a total commitment to offense.  The Multiple Striking character cannot parry the same round he is using this kind of attack, and can only use this attacking method every other round.
Power Strike
This skill allows a martial artist to strike with incredible strength.  Focusing all of his strength and energy, the character forgoes all actions in order to deliver this crushing strike.  This  method of striking must be prepared for by declaring it the previous round.  There is a -10 to the attack roll and the character cannot parry the round following this strike.  The character must Kiai (martial skill, above) when using this attack. If the attack is successful, it negates any armor modifier.  If the victim has no armor, 1d6+4 is added to the damage calculations.  Either way the defender must also make a STA check to remain standing at one difficulty level harder than usual.  If the Power Strike is unsuccessful, the opponent adds +1d6 damage if their counter is successful.  Note this attack cannot be combined with other skills (spinning attack, etc.) outside of Kiai.
Quick Draw
This martial skill allows a character to rapidly draw a weapon taught as a weapon kata from a sheathed position to a strike in the same round.  Subtract the BC skill from 100 / 10.  This is added to the initiative roll.  If it is below 10, the character can draw his weapon and strike at -2 damage.
This difficult martial skill allows a sensitivity-trained martial artist to meet a physical melee attack in mid-attack, parry it, and redirect the physical energy of the attack into a continuous momentum designed to throw the attacker.  The harder an opponent attacks, the harder the opponent throws himself!  The defending character must successfully parry their opponents attack.  Another DIF BC maneuver is made, and if successful the damage the opponent was to give the character is given to the opponent himself as the character has successfully yielded to the attack, grabbed the limb, and twisted it violently in the opposite direction of the attack.  If the opponent was attempting a grapple attack, the opponent is thrown (see below).  
Spinning Attack
This attack is executed by pivoting the entire body in a full circle, whipping the attack around with stronger momentum.  Such attacks raise the Damage of the attack +1d6, but it has a -10 penalty to the attack roll, -1 to initiative, and if the attack misses, the attacker loses their next attack while recovering (can only parry).  Note that in some arts both Spinning Attack and Leaping Attack are taught as Martial Skills;  in that case,  the two can be combined (for example, a jump spinning roundhouse kick).  If done, the damage modifiers are cumulative, but so are the penalties.
This maneuver is intended to sweep the targets supporting limbs out from underneath them, dropping them down to the ground.  This technique is performed with either a leg strike to the opponents legs, or with an overbearing, rushing/bashing strike of the attackers shoulder or outstretched arm, "clotheslining" the opponent and sending him crashing to the ground.  This skill requires a normal BC attack.  If successful and the opponent fails to parry, the opponent takes half damage and is considered prone.
"The art of breaking".  This allows a martial artist to smash 2.5 cm (1") of wood and 1.25 cm (1/2") of masonry per 10 skill points achieved in their art (difficulty depends on the surface being attacked; DM`s call).  This skill requires concentration and can only be used every other round.
A throwing attack is performed when the character physically picks up the opponent and hurls him to the ground.  It is a Difficult BC maneuver that halves any opponents armor.  The opponent is prone and the attack is rolled as striking 2 different areas of the opponent.  A throw cannot be parried unless the Breakfall martial skill is known.  If the attacking character fails his throwing attack, he needs to make a AGL x 5 check to remain standing or will fall prone instead.
Vital Strike
Using this skill, an attacker can strike certain pressure points on an opponents body to temporarily numb or paralyze a limb of a foe. A Vital Attack is a Difficult maneuver.  If the strike is successful, the opponent must resist with a (STA x 5) resistance check.  Failure means that area is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.  A body roll is re-rolled to affect a limb, and a head strike means total paralysis.  Note that any kind of armor negates this kind of attack (unless the Mystic Skill Internal Strike is known; see below).
The styles that utilize these techniques are incredibly inconsistent with its movements; opponents can be constantly surprised by their techniques, even in the middle of combat!  Each round, opponents must roll a Difficult BC check.  Success allows normal attacks and parries.  Failure penalizes the opponent`s attacks and parries by one difficulty level harder than usual.
These legendary martial skills are whispered rumors of the possibility of the martial artist.  Some warriors train their entire lives and are never exposed to these techniques.  If the DM allows these skills, one can be learned for every 45 skill points possessed in the art.
Through months of training with little to no use of vision, the martial artist who has learned this technique can fight quite effectively even when blinded.  All melee attacks are made at -10.  For ranged combat, each range level increases the difficulty by one (ex. Short range attack is a Difficult attack, Medium range is Very Difficult attack, etc.).  Monks, Spies, and Ninja are commonly taught these techniques, while Japanese Zen Archers are known for their incredible archery accuracy when meditating while blindfolded.
Body Control
Through meditation, a thorough knowledge of anatomy & physiology, and methods of self healing, this martial artist can control normally involuntary skin and organ functions to create seemingly miraculous effects.  Internal temperature can be moderated to allow the body to withstand outside temperatures easier: the temp. always feels 20 degrees warmer/cooler that it actually is without penalty to the character.  He can slow his heartbeat enough to feign death (Very Difficult to detect without equipment).  He can slow his metabolism enough to subsist with 1/2 food and water for a number of days = the skill level / 200.  And he can heal himself at an astounding rate: without any equipment, it is as if he has a personal first aid kit for healing himself.  With a first aid kit, it is as a field medic kit, etc.  First aid kits always count as 1 level higher than it actually is.
Calm Mind
Years of meditation have taught this martial artist that nothing can disturb his tranquility.  Love, hate, fear, pain…all of these are controlled and look at objectively.  When in use, this skill allows the character to ignore pain totally when prepared (cannot be surprised; DM must keep track of character damage instead of player), and he has a +20 to resist chemical toxins (alcohol & chemical interrogation techniques are examples).  Physical torture has no real effect on the character, and verbal interrogation is a Difficult Maneuver against this master of the mind.
Through meditative exercises and study of psychology (especially of human mental weaknesses), the character can attempt to sway an NPC to believe something they would not normally believe.  The action cannot directly harm the NPC (i.e. go jump off that building`s roof), and cannot violate the NPC`s personal core ethical behavior (i.e. betray your spouse to help me).  However, this skill can plant a suggestion into the NPC`s mind, that he may believe.  This could be used to allow escape from a difficult situation (ex.: "I am going to walk away on the left side when I leave" when I actually leave on the right.  The NPC believes the suggestion, and it looks like the character just disappears---ninja are known for this ability), or allow and NPC to help the character when he normally would not (ex. "I lost my key coming in tonight…could you let me in the building").  This skill relies on the player`s imagination and firm DM judgement.
Internal Strike
This attack is a strike that ignores external armor, allowing the power of the strike to impact directly inside the muscles and organs of the opponent.  If the opponent is wearing armor, it is ignored, with no armor penalty given to the Internal Strike (the attack is resisted as a normal strike).  If the opponent is not wearing armor, there is no Damage Resistance test, as it bypasses normal body constitution, directly attacking the opponent`s bioelectrical energy.  If the opponent possesses the Mystic Power Iron Shirt (see below), the Iron Shirt armor bonuses are negated, but the opponent receives a normal damage resistance check to resist the Internal Strike.  
The Internal Strike is either an open palm or closed fist attack, and cannot be combined with other martial skills/mystic abilities besides the martial skill Vital Strike (i.e. no Leaping Attack Internal Strikes).  Internal Vital Strikes can be used when an opponent has armor, but the opponent can still resist the vital strike as usual.  An internal Vital Strike has no bonuses if the opponent has no armor, and follows normal Vital Strike rules (see Martial Skills, above).
The Internal Strike ability is incredibly difficult to master.  The martial artist must practice specific exercises at least 1 hour daily.  Each day this practice is missed requires a week of special daily 2-hour exercise routines to recover this ability.
Iron Shirt
The martial artist has worked long and hard to toughen his body with special herbs, exercises, and toughening exercises.  He can resist Body Combat damage as if wearing Kevlar armor over his entire body.  This ability requires an hour of special exercises performed each day.  Failure to do so requires three hours of make up time per daily hour missed to regain its benefits.
The character can leap +100% of his normal jump distance for every 30 skill points he has invested in the art, and can fall safer than usual: Easy maneuver at less than 10 feet, and every 10 feet above adds a difficulty level to take no damage from the fall.  If the character fails, -10 feet is reduced from the fall per every 30 skill points when determining damage from the fall.
Missile Deflection
The character can deflect, or even catch a thrown or bow-fired projectile fired at the character.  The character needs to be aware of the attack and cannot be surprised.  To deflect a thrown attack, it is a Difficult maneuver.  To deflect a projectile attack, it is a Very Difficult maneuver.  To catch either attack, the difficulty is increased one level.  For each single missile deflection attempted that round, the cumulative difficulty level is increased by one.
Weapon Bond
In some ancient martial art schools, when a promising student reaches an advanced skill level, his teacher introduces him the mystical art of Chien Shu, or "Spirit Bonding" weapon techniques.  This skill involves mysticism, martial technique, and mental discipline.  The character must have the weapon made specifically for him and he must be present during the crafting of the weapon, or it must be voluntarily given/transmitted to him by a family member or close friend  (frequently in the Orient, advanced students are adopted by the instructor to allow this to occur).  
Afterward, he must train at least an hour a day for 6 months with the weapon, slowly integrating the weapon with the character`s internal energy.  After the six month training period, the weapon halves armor modifiers.  If the opponent has no armor on, there is a +1d6 damage modifier.  If the weapon is stolen or lost, the character will not rest until the weapon is recovered.  If the weapon is broken, even if it is repaired the process must be started at the beginning again.
Zanshin Sense
The Zanshin-trained martial artist learns to understand and use the normally unheard warning messages given from our active subconscious.  This "Danger Sense" is honed through constant training in the warrior arts.  It is always active, unless unconscious (semi-consciousness, such as sleep, does not impede this ability).
This skill is only useable if the threat is within 1 meter per 10 skill points known in the martial art. The danger must be from a living creature (not from a mechanical trap or device) and the threat must be directed specifically towards the character.  In other words, if the character is in a crowd, and the crowd is attacked by an area-effect weapon, the character would not have been warned with his Zanshin Sense.  However, if the area had been scoped out by someone with a sniper rifle, and that person had "locked" onto the Zanshin-trained warrior, Zanshin Sense would kick in (with a good Recon roll, of course).
If the above-mentioned criteria is met, the Zanshin-trained character recieves a normal Recon check, with the character sensing the direction and approximate distance the danger is originating from.  If the character fails the Recon check, he receives a second Difficult Recon check.  If successful, the character knows he is in danger, but only knows the general direction of the threat and is unsure what the specific threat is.
Martial Art Styles
Aikijutsu  [((AGL x 2) BC) / 200]  
An art that concentrates on yielding to an attacker and countering with throws, locks, and strikes, Aikijutsu differs from all other arts on this list because of it`s defensive emphasis.  It`s main attack roll is actually the parry, with the follow up attack being a redirection, strike, or throw.
Advantages:  Average skill parry against attacks.  Average maneuver to redirect opponents.  +10 bonus to avoid being knocked down when aware on the attack.
Disadvantages:  -2 damage when striking, all grappling damage is stun damage.
Martial Skills: Breakfall, Immovability, Meditation, Multiple Attackers, Quick Draw, Redirect, Sweep, Throw
Weapon Katas:  Staff, spear, sword
Similar arts: Aikido
Boxing:  [((STR + (AGL + STA /2) x BC) / 200]
Western boxing originated in Greece, when two Gladiators would pummel each other with their fists until one was defeated.  Over the centuries, rules were created and changed, but the sport still remains one of the toughest, most brutal legalized competitions still practiced.  Considering itself a "scientific sport", a boxer will feel out his opponent deliberately with a few hand strikes.  When the timing is right, he will create an opening with a strike or deceptive feint, then he will wade in with straight, cross, round, and uppercut punching combinations.
Advantages:  +10 damage resistance modifier, +15 unconscious resistance modifier
Disadvantages:  Leg strikes are Very Difficult; no Groundfighting
Martial Skills: Feinting, Kiai, Multiple Strikes
Weapon Katas: Brass knuckles, sap
Similar Arts: Streetfighting
Capoeira [((STR + STA) x BC) / 200]
This rare martial art is easily identified by it`s swaying, dancing gait and fast acrobatic attacks.  Developed by rebelling slaves in Brazil, this style utilizes acrobatic kicks and sweeps performed while doing handstands, summersaults, and flips.
Advantages: Practitioner has an automatic dancing skill of 2/3 his Capoeira skill.
Disadvantages: If ground is hazardous to the hands and the artist has no hand protection, he is penalized for all attacks and parries by 1 difficulty level.  
Martial Skills: Acrobatic attack, spinning attack, sweep
Weapon Katas: chain whip
Similar Arts: some rarer styles of Pentjak Silat
Commando [((STR + STA) x BC) / 200]
This system of close-range combat was designed to allow a elite soldier or espionage agent to fight whether in full combat gear or arctic gear, waist high in water or on a beach.  It is a basic system to be used as a last resort, when his main combat weapon is unavailable.  The student of this system learns to let his combative, dark side out in close range combat, as the fight has to be ended quickly and decisively.  
Commando style uses basic punches and kicks, with sweeps and takedowns as appropriate.  Knife fighting, Club, and bayonet are also taught, with an emphasis on surprise knife attacks to neutralize sentries.
Advantages: Commandos are used to punishment, +10 to resist damage, +5 bonus to surprise knife and club attacks.
Disadvantages:  No high kicks, no special attacks.
Martial Skills: Combat Focus, Dirty Tricks, Groundfighting, Sweep
Weapon Katas: Bayonet, club, knife
Similar Arts: Krav Maga, O`Neil Quick-kill
Jujutsu [((STR + STA) x BC) / 200]
This "Gentle Art" (literal translation) concentrates on defeating an opponent through throws, sweeps, submission grappling, and strikes and kicks to either kill or render unconscious with vital strikes (a high level skill).  Very well-rounded, it`s only real weakness is it`s lack of specialization.  In combat, the Jujutsu stylist will usually lighten up an opponent with a strike or two, then close for a sweep or throw, then finish with a deadly strike or grappling submission.
Advantages:  If successfully grapples first, the next throw attempt is an Easy maneuver.
Disadvantages:  No special attacks, no high kicks.
Martial Skills:  Breakfall, Dirty Tricks, Groundfighting, Kiai, Sweep, Throw, Vital Strike
Weapon Katas:  Knife, spear, staff, sword
Similar Arts:  Judo, Sambo
Karate  [((STR + STA) x BC) / 200]
This generic term is meant to cover most striking arts that use both punches and kicks as the primary mode of attack to disable opponents.  Training emphasizes a commitment to win, hard, powerful full-body strikes, and a powerful physique with which to hurl those attacks.  While most styles train to defend first and then counter, not all Karate systems give an opponent that chance.
Advantages:  +10 damage resistance due to body toughening exercises
Disadvantages: No groundfighting; heavy calluses may I.D. as karateka
Martial Skills (for balanced/hand strikers): Dual weapons, Leaping Attack, Power Strike, Spinning Attack, Sweep, Tamishiwara
Martial Skills (for kicking styles): Leaping Attack, Multiple Strikes, Spinning Attack, Sweep, Tamishiwara
Weapon Katas: Knife, nunchakau, sai, staff, tonfa (nightstick)
Similar Arts: Bando, Muay Thai, Savate, Shotokan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Western Kickboxing
Kenpo [((STR + AGL) x BC) / 200]
Kenpo, or American Kenpo, is a modern interpretation of Chuan Fa, a style of Chinese Kung Fu.  Specializing in explosive close-range multiple strike combinations, this style relies more on speed and technique overwhelming an attacker than the brute power strikes of Karate.  A practitioner of this style will quickly close with an opponent and unleash a blistering array of punches and kicks, followed by a sweep and finishing barrage of strikes.
Advantages:  Can use the Multiple Strikes martial skill 2 rounds consecutively..
Disadvantages:  Limited grappling techniques..
Martial Skills: Dirty Tricks, Kiai, Multiple Strikes, Spinning Attack, Sweep
Weapon Katas: Dual baton, knife
Similar Arts: None
Kung Fu [((AGL + STA) x BC) / 200]
The Chinese martial arts are many and varied.  Learned in arts called styles, Kung Fu styles usually mimic powerful animals (Tiger, leopard, snake) and natural elements (Earth, Water, etc).  As a practitioner of Kung Fu progresses in his art, he will learn different styles, which makes Kung Fu not only complex, but also very difficult to defend against.
A character learning Kung Fu chooses his first style upon creation.  Every 20 skill points invested in Kung Fu allows him to learn a new style.  Only one style can be used per round, and must be declared at the beginning of the round which is to be used, with only it`s martial skills, weapons katas, and advantages and disadvantages useable that round.  The following styles can be learned:
Choy Li Fut: One of the most powerful external Chinese systems, this art features strong, hooking fist strikes and powerful kicks and sweeps.
Advantages:  Opponent has a -10 to resist damage (fluid power); many weapon katas.
Disadvantages: No groundfighting
Martial Skills: Leaping Attack, Sweep, Tamishiwara
Weapon Katas: baton, halberd, staff, sword, three-piece rod
Crane style: Teaches precision balance, graceful defensive movements, and pinpoint strikes to vital areas.
Advantages:  +10 to resist knockdown, +10 to parry attempts
Disadvantages: Is difficult to absorb damage while in Crane stances, -10 to resist damage.
Martial Skills:  Spinning Attack, Vital Strike
Weapon Katas: Dual Batons, staff
Drunken Immortals style:  A deceptive style, with it`s fighting doctrine based on unsteady, wobbling stances and apparently accidental strikes.
Advantages: One of the rare style that teaches the Unpredictability martial skill; most onlookers may think the character is not really fighting.
Disadvantages:  -2 damage modifier (awkward angles), no special attacks.
Martial Skills: Sweep, Unpredictability
Weapon Katas: Staff
Leopard style:  A groundfighting style, this art teaches ground-level movements and rapid striking combinations.
Advantages:  Multiple strikes while groundfighting, can parry grappling (as breakfall martial skill)
Disadvantages:  If facing multiple attackers, can only parry one opponent.
Martial Skills:  Groundfighting, Multiple strikes
Weapon Katas: none
Monkey style:  An acrobatic style featuring crouched, rolling positions with sweeps and unwieldy-looking, unexpected strikes.
Advantages:  Difficult for opponents to understand the Monkey stylist`s method of attack; for the first 2 rounds of a fight, the opponents parry is penalized 1 level.
Disadvantages:  Silly-looking; attacks are at -2 damage due to difficult angles of attack.
Martial Skills: Acrobatic Attack, Sweep
Weapon Katas: Staff
Tai Chi Chuan style: A graceful style which allows its practitioner to strongly root himself to the ground to redirect opponents attacks.
Advantages:  +15 to resist damage
Disadvantages: Offensive strikes do ˝ damage (this does not include Redirected attacks).
Martial Skills: Immovability, Meditation, Redirect
Weapon Katas: Staff, sword
Tiger style:  An aggressive, powerful style featuring strong stances and clawed hand attacks.
Advantages:  Opponent has -10 to resist damage, and all armor modifiers are halved.
Disadvantages: Very Difficult to grapple
Martial Skills: Kiai, Spinning attack
Weapon Katas: none
Wing Chun style: A short-range style defensive style featuring multiple hand striking combinations and double knife fighting combination.
Advantages: +15 to parry attacks.
Disadvantages: Very Difficult to grapple; -10 to resist damage
Martial Skills: Dirty Tricks, Multiple strikes, Sweep
Weapon Katas: Dual knives, Staff
Wushu style: A very dynamic style, Wushu stylists stances are dramatic poses. They attack with flashy, acrobatic kicks, rapid hand strikes and cinematic weapon techniques.  This is the official state-approved martial art of Communist China.
Advantages: Well-rounded, numerous attack techniques.
Disadvantages: Created for health and exercise, not real combat.  Many postures are not practical, with a total commitment to attacks and none to defense; parries are Very Difficult, -10 to resist damage.
Martial Skills: Acrobatic attack, Multiple strikes, Spinning attack, Sweep
Weapon Katas: chain whip, knife, staff, three-piece rod
Ninjutsu [((AGL + STA) + BC) /200]
Ninjutsu`s unarmed fighting style, Ninpo Taijutsu uses a wide variety of fighting techniques performed in unrecognized, surprising methods.  Hand strikes, kicks, grappling, and weapon skills taught to be utilized while rolling, swinging off objects, or tumbling along the ground.
Advantages:  A well-rounded, combat-oriented art.  +10 to ambush attacks.
Disadvantages:  No special attacks.
Martial Skills: Acrobatic Attack, Breakfall, Dirty Tricks, Groundfighting, Meditation, Sweep, Unpredictability
Weapon Katas: Club, knife, staff, spear, sword
Similar arts:  Pentjak Silat
Pankration (also known as Mu Tau) [((STR + STA) x BC) / 200]
In the heyday of ancient Greek gladiatorial games, Pankration was a mixture of classical Boxing and Wrestling techniques.  It was shunned by the masses until near the end of the Greek and Roman times when the games became more bloodthirsty and violent.  Modern Pancrase, also known as Mu Tau, was reborn in the 1970`s as a nasty mixture of Boxing and Muay Thai Kickboxing basics, along with the technical groundfighting prowess of Sport Wrestling.  While Boxing may consider itself a "scientific sport", Pancrase is just pure brutality in the ring.
Advantages:  +15 unconscious resistance modifier (they`re used to getting hit).
Disadvantages: Double multiple attacker bonuses, no weapon katas
Martial Skills: Combat Focus, Groundfighting, Power Strike, Sweep, Throw
Weapon Kata: None
Similar Arts: Some Jujutsu styles, combative pro wrestling
Optional Rules