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Any character can snipe.  That is, any character can pick up a weapon, conceal himself / herself somewhere, find a target and shoot at it.  But there are certain characters that have dedicated a great deal of time and effort training to become a proficient sniper.  Characters that have had this training receive bonuses when performing that action.  For that reason we have created an additional skill - SNP (Sniping).  This skill is powerful and augments other skills, such as RCN and CRM or PST.  It does cost double.  This skill may be learned by any character BUT ONLY up to 40.  Sniper is the only profession (MOS) that can learn the skill past 40. When sniping, the character is focused on the target, the character`s ability to spot immediate danger is at risk.  This means that any RCN rolls increase in difficulty level (AVG=DIF) for everything that is NOT in the immediate locale of the target.  RCN Rolls that are target focused are one level easier (AVG=ESY).  Spotters have an important role in sniping and it`s helpful to have one close by.  Their RCN rolls to spot suffer no negative modifiers.  In addition half of their SNP skill modifiers to hit, hide and for range are added to the sniper.  Range bonuses are also "Stacked" or incremental, meaning you add one bonus - get a total then the next bonus to gain the final total.  i.e. If you gain a +20% and another +15% you would add the 20% first then add the 15%.  You would not add 35%.  On the negative side, the RCN Bonus to hide is average between the sniper and spotter/s and halved (because two or more people are easier to spot than one, plus communication, signals, etc.)
Aiming:  Any character may aim for a round, which will double their chance to hit.  They may hold the aim for 10 rounds.   After 10 rounds they must reacquire their target.  Remember that any roll of 91 or higher is an automatic failure, despite what the chance to hit may be.  So, Elliot Infantry is aiming at a target.  He is waiting for the signal to fire.  50 seconds go by and no signal (RCN is increased one difficulty during this period).  That`s 10 rounds and Elliot has to spend one round aiming again to gain the double modifier.  Snipers, (only snipers) like other characters receive double "to hit" the first round of aiming, however it doesn`t stop there.  Snipers continue to receive bonuses for each round they aim for up to 5 total rounds.  They may hold the aim for 3 turns before needing to reacquire (again, RCN is increased one difficulty during this period).  The bonuses are as follows for aiming: First round: x2, second round +10, third round +10, fourth round +10, fifth round +10 - for a total of x2 +40.  Specifying a location on the target halves the chance to hit.  For example, Sammy Sniper totals out with a 142% to hit his target, he choose to shoot the target in the weapon hand, giving him a 71% chance to hit the weapon hand of the target.  WHEN AIMING and the sniper has a better than 90% chance to hit, the 91 or above rule partially applies.  91-95 is a hit but they must roll the location on the standard Hit Location Chart- the called shot is nullified.  (No whining, please.) 96 or above is a complete miss.  (Reminder for the intellectually challenged - this is assuming that the sniper has a better than 90% chance of hitting.)  
Preferred weapons:  
Preferred weapons are weapons with which characters have spent time training and learning.  For example, US Infantry spends a lot of time learning and using the M16.  A good infantryman will learn the break points, quirks and advantages to his/her weapon.  A character can have a preferred weapon for every 20 points of SNP skill.  This skill may be applied to any small arm.  For example, Elliot Infantry takes the SNP skill at 40, he choose the M16 and the Colt .45 as his two weapon proficiencies.  He will receive the range modifiers whenever using either of those two weapons.   After Sammy Sniper has been playing a long time and has a SNP skill of 100, he will have  5 preferred weapons from which to choose.  
Combined Example: Sammy Sniper (SNP:80, CRM:80, RCN:80 carrying a Barret .50 w/scope - preferred) and Elliot Infantry SNP:40, CRM:80, RCN:60 carrying an MP5SD) are out tracking a target.  For hiding they receive the following bonuses:  AVG Task (there are guards, however not on alert).  Alone Sammy would receive a +15 bonus and Elliot would have a +10 bonus.  Together they would receive (15 + 10 = 25/2 = 12.5 average, which is halved for) a +6 bonus to hide.  
They find the target.  Elliot ranges the target at 200 meters.  The short range for the Barret is normally 150.  However it is one of Sammy`s preferred weapons and he IS sniping.  The following bonuses apply to the weapon`s range:  Sammy`s sniping skill: +25% Elliot`s sniping skill: (+15/2)=+8%.  This makes the range of the weapon 150+25%=187.5 + 7%=202.5.  The target is at short range for Sammy giving him a base to hit of 48.  He aim`s for a round giving him a 96 (48x2) base to hit.  Now we add his bonuses for sniping +40 (Sammy`s skill) = 136 + 8 =144 +10 (scope) = 154.  A guard happens by the area, referee makes a RCN roll for them to spot the guard.  56.  Sammy is oblivious (80 base DIF task = 40%).  Elliot spots the guard and fires a three round burst, hitting the guard in the chest, killing him.  The other guards (RCN:50) now get a DIF:RCN (25) to notice if anything happened due to certain factors (distance, condition of surroundings, condition of alert, etc.).  39.  They fail.  Were they to succeed, they would have noticed the guard was killed, they would have had to roll again to find our heroes - who would still have their hiding bonuses plus a minus 40% because Elliot used an MP5SD (silenced submachine gun).  50 minus 40%(gun) = 30 - 6 (hiding bonus) = 24 /2 (TASK:DIF) = 12% chance.
After the incident Sammy reacquires the target and is back at 154 to hit.  Sammy aims for the next 4 rounds to make sure he`ll hit (+40).  (Any aiming after that gains no bonuses, it is merely holding.)  Total chance to hit is now 194.  Round 15 Elliot gives the green light to fire.  Sammy still has all bonuses and makes a called shot to the head.  This halves his chance to hit, giving Sammy a 97% chance to make a head shot on the target at 200 meters.  
The skill gives the following bonuses when using with a preferred weapon.
Skill Level        Bonus to hit*                   Range Bonus**                  RCN Bonus***
1-15                             +5                                 5%                                +0
16-25                           +10                               10%                               +5
26-40                           +15                               15%                               +10
41-60                           +20                               20%                               +10
61-70                           +30                               25%                               +15
71-90                           +40                               25%                               +15
91-99                           +45                               30%                               +20
100                              +50                               30%                               +20
*     The bonus to hit is ONLY when sniping.  
**   The Range Bonus is always used when the character is using a preferred weapon.  
*** The Bonus to RCN is for concealment and tracking (A SPECIFIC TARGET) ONLY.  Not for any other RCN rolls.  It`s for Concealment and Tracking the TARGET only.  RCN bonuses are added whether a preffered weapon is being used or not.
SNP    M1       Sniping:  The knowledge and ability to use weapon, training, and
     environment to track, and engage an enemy and leave the area undetected. (Costs      
(Please pay special attention to how the bonuses are written there are bonuses and percentage bonuses.  If a bonus is written as a percentage (i.e.15%) then you would add the percentage to the number in question i.e. if the number was 40 and you added 15% it would total out to be (40 x 1.15 (or add 15%)) = 46. If the number is not a percentage then it applies as a bonus to the base skill.  For example, let`s say someone has a +10 to their RCN roll to hide.  They have a 60 skill level.  This increases their BASE skill to a 70.  Meaning they have a 70% chance of completing an AVG task.  If the skill is difficult, they have a 35% chance (70/2) of completing the task, not a 40% (60/2=30+10).  Percentage modifiers are always added before number modifiers.)
Optional Rules