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This site is dedicated to Twilight 2000 (Edition 1), a role playing game that was created by Game Designers' Workshop in the 1980's and is no longer in print. The downloads I have available, though they can be very helpful for 2nd Edition players, use 1st Edition Rules and Statistics.  The downloadable documents are all "zipped" and in the MSWord 97 format.  Due to the high demand of these documents from people that do not use or have access to the afore mentioned software, I'm working on making the ones that are already finished available as webpages.  I've received a list of MOS's and the skills that are given/modified when creating characters and will be posting them soon.   Sniper Rifles are completed and posted.  - K.  25FEB03
T2K - Focus on 2nd Edition.  - An excellent source of information. - An excellent source of information for players and referees. An excellent source of information for players and referees.  All Special Forces. -An excellent source of information for Intel players. - Enjoy online computer games?  Give it a try.