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Since I rely a lot on my web site resources,

I decided to separate my ever-growing

page of professional links for

quicker reference and access.

Feel free to email me if you know of

some other good resources in the areas of

counseling/mental health issues, substance abuse prevention,

stress management or parenting.

Professional Links

The AntiDrug, for Parent Information
National School Safety Center
Drug Information
Teens & Tobacco --Facts
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Alcohol & Drug Prevention Education
Alcohol and Other Drug Recovery
Stress Test
National Institutes of Health
MADD Online
Safe & Drug-Free Schools Program
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse -- prevention & intervention
Parenting of Adolescents
ADHD -- A Guide for Parents
Keirsey Temperment Survey
Anxiety Disorders
Online Depression Screening Test
Eating Disorders
Commonly Abused Drugs
National Mental Health Association
Internet Mental Health
Mental Health Medications

Karen's Corner