::the shadows twist about before and they bend into the Rye conforming to each other allowing one another join and out of the shadows walks a man, his eyes cold and his face experssionless. his eyes dance upon you and you see that a struggle or good and evil was in him and that now the cold bleekness of hell is set upon him and that out the ashes of this once great man stands a curse. around his neck you see a sun burst necklace with a heart that is split but can't make out the words on it:: My wife where's the other half ::tis all he says as he walks about you stalking you methodically::
~3rd generation Lasombra clan member.
~raised in Caltanissetta, Sicilia.
~Owner of Verglas Winery and Vineyard.
~play the violin in spear time and enjoys playing celtic, enjoys painting and telling folk stories.
~has a gorgeous wife named Dawn{Dwnsdream}
a silver titanuim acid laced katana blade, is skilled in capawuay, Thephalanxen star, is like a ninja star best way to describe it, has the four points, but if the person who it was created for ((in this case Kravitz)) wills it the movement can be controlled in mid-air of flight alonging it to be a most lethal weapon. It also allows the controller to attack without ever revealing his location.
Guild Info
~ AEF-1d48/2d38-vampire-KotDM First Annra Yi Bith Rye
~GSR Starlight Healers Major<3d85, 60,000xp> {FCoR 4d85, 60,000} FCoR healer#H00076,
dragons&such mystical&heavenly creatures domain
Luis Royo awesome fantasy artist
My Scroll's
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