My Stories & Poems

She's spirited and young,
She luvs to have "fun."
She's dedicated and free,
A Goddess with a capital G.
She knows what you want,
She's what you been dreaming of.
Jeliousy runs wild when
It's not your hand she's holding.
But they don't stay long,
So she picks herself up, and moves on.
She's tuff and storng,
All year long.
She will never cry when
You knock her the dirt.
She just stands up, brushes herself off,
And starts over again.
But watch out when you look into her eyes,
They let you know what she's thinking.
Then you know she's about ta speak her mind,
To tell the world how much its hurt her.
Next she closes her eyes and puts the world behind,
Blocked by a melody in her mind.
The Real World
I knew a girl named
Joe... she died one year ago
never ate that much, or when
she actually ate dinner, she'd go
To her bathroom and
Thorw-up her food
I know another older girl
A lot of guys use to call her a whore
Sweet talked them into dating her
One to four at a guys at a time
Kissing them as they pulled off
Her bra- now she is sick, dying
In a hospital bed.
She really enjoys people to visit her,
Cindy had a babyb at 15
She was younger than the guy she was seeing
And he talked her into thing
She said she'd never do
Now she can't go out
To the movies with her friends
No Matter What
She fights for
An idenity.
Lonely, Lost, &
A little puppy,
Kicked one too many times.
Strong, Wild, & Rebellious,
As hard as a stone.
The type who gurl people should
Look up to.
But they don't,
No one cares or understands
Stabbed in the side
And hit in the back
But she's not going to stay
Lying on the floor
You ponder life
In all its glory,
Still you find
None of your own.
You seek the truth
of all your thoughts,
But your mocked
And left alone.
Your a thinker
Of many degress.
You think about
Life and death and such.
Your exstend your hand
In pain and sorrow,
But the find
Your all alone
I'm an actoress but don;t like
The way I speak
I'm a singer but you don't like
My music
I'm a poet but you don't understand
My poetry
I'm a dreamer but my imagination
fightens you
I'm a writer but my stories
intemidate you
I'm a realist but you don't feel
Like i understand the world today
I'm an artist but you can't
understand my artwork
I'm a rebel but you don't think that
I should stand up for what I believe in
I'm a student but I'm not
respected by u or my classmates
I'm a person but i'm just
a slug to You.
Ringlet fushia hair
And a head full of knowledge
University of the Streets
Is were she when to college
Larger blue-green eyes
Knowing all that it's nothing
Showing you fake ass
Like your really say'in someth'in
Nose opened wide
Like some art on display
Smell'in all the bullshit
Com'in from a mile a way
Lips full and and ready
Either smil'in on a pucker
Ready to spit out truth
She's one bad Muther Fucker
Sometime they mistake her
That she nothing but a Deva
But she turns it right around
As feirce as a fever
But thats not her
Stay'lo everyday type of thing
She demands respect
To be treated like a queen
She's looking her knowledge
Her goal is to be paid,
Occationally rested,
And regularly laid.
What you see
Is what you get
It's not cheap
It's not free
It's all unmistakenly,
Undeniable, ME.
Midnight Visitor
I lay in bed, awake at night.
I think i'm all lone.
I dream about the one I long for;
Wishing he was near.
I fill his arms around me,
Loving me so dear.
He may not be there in body,
But I know he's there in mind and soul.
And if he always lays beside me,
I want be that alone.
I feel he's chest, next to mine,
And now i'm not as cold
His arms hold me extremly tight,
They reasurer me,
That he'll never leave me
As he kisses me good-night.
I run my fingers through his hair,
even though he's not really there.
I can still fill his breathe upon my shoulder,
As i sleep another night.
Never Thought It Would be Like This
Never in my life life could I know
This is how it all would end
Never could I imagine that
Something like this would happened
But it does, doesn't it,
It does
All to often bad things
Happen to people we love.
But why you?
That's what I don't understand
Why not someone who's lived a long life
Why not someone who isn't as important to me.
Why you?
Why my best friend?
You have been there for me
Though thick, though thin
I have been there for you too.
I want abandon you now.
Why not someone stronger?
Someone like me.
I deserve it, not you!
God give it to me instead.
I'll stay by your side
Til your final word.
But no matter what,
Stay with me til I leave this world!
God, don't take her away from me.
Not now, Not today!
Stay Tooned There is More Ta Come


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