Ok, by now you probaly think all my friends copy each other with the whole "quote page stuff", but we all go to a prep school; and its the only way to keep are spirits up. this page is different than those other pages. this one contains stories as well as peoms, and my favorite quotes. i'm not going to use the same quotes that they use either. so here goes:

1) it takes a 1000 voices to tell a single story.- native american saying.
2) you never loss by loving. you always loss by holding back.- barbara de angeilis
3) it's alright letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.- mick jagger
4)some people come into our lives and quickly leave. some stay awhile and leave footprints on our hearts, and we never, ever the same.- unknown
5) if you judge people, you have no time to love them.- mother teresa
6) a friend is a gift you give yourself.- robert louis stevenson
7) it takes a lot of understanding, time, and trust togain a close friend. And when i approach a time in my life of complete uncertainty, my friends are my most precious asset.- erynn miller
8)enjoy yourself 4 these days are the good old days that you're going to miss in the years to come.-unknown
9) there are always 2 paths , 2 choices to take. 1 is the easy path and it only reward is that its easy.- unknown
10)be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.-plato
11)the greatest gift is aportion of thyself.- ralph waldo emerson
12)whats important in life is how we treat one another.- hana ivanhoe
13)in the darkest of hours it soul is replinshed and given strengh to continue and endure.- heary warrior chosa
15)you gain strengh, courafe,and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. you are able to say," i lived through this horror. i can take the next thing that comes along."-eleanor roosevelt
16)this journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.- barbara de angelis
17) having a dream isn't stupid. its not having one that is.-cliff clavin
18)if you don't daydream and kinda plan things ut in your imagination, you'll never get there. so you have to start someplace.-robert duvall
19)people are always blaming circustances 4 what they are. i don't believe in circumstances. the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look 4 the circumstance they want, and, if they can't find them they make them.- george bernard shaw
20)from what we get we can make a living, what we give, we can make a life.- arthur ashe
21)face the thing s you fear, and you do away with that fear.- unknown
22)whatever you are doing, love yourself 4 doing it. whatever u are thinking, love yourself 4 thinking it.
23)the task a head of us is never as great as the power behind us.- alcohilis anonymous
1) The Journey Explained
-Andrew Shroads
I cry for true love
and no one hears me.
That emotion desired most,
is acquired least.
Those who surround me,
know not what my soul yearns for.
I look for true love
in every place.
The hearts of others
are mysterious caverns
where one could find true love.
Out of all of the caves,
that I have explored,
not one has contained
my fondest desire
my most enticing fantasy
true love.
I feel as though
I am half a person,
like a coin with one side.
My journey here
is to find the other
the one who completes me,
the other side of my coin.
But how to look?
What method is best?
I know not.
Many souls have I searched,
many psyches have I explored.
Although, I need only to find one,
my efforts have retireved none.
Now, I am hurt again.
These fools know not
the innermost secrets of the heart.
They laugh and play
unaware of the prospect,
the reward,
of true love.
Instead, they ignore their deep desires,
for more mundane and trivial objects.
The deepest pleasures of the heart,
are sacrificed for cheapend experiences.
All because they are too afraid,
too terified,
of rejection.
I, too, know the sting of rejection,
the dull ache of lost loves.
I'd much rather sever a limb,
or cast off an eye
than loose my love.
For many,
this pain is to great to face,
they trade mediocrity for intensity,
mundane for stimulating.
I cannot make that trade so easily.
The chance of infinite pleasure
is too enticing.
For my true love,
I will risk everything
all that I posess
all that I can achieve.
The risk is great,
I will not deny,
but the rewards are far greater,
than anything humankind has ever viewed,
since the dawn of time.
Empires have risen and fallen,
fortunes won and lost,
lives broken and rejuvinated,
all for the search
of the truest of loves.
My path is not an easy one,
and too often adveristy is in my way.
Pain is a frequent companion,
and hope is hard to come by.
But if I did not risk all that I am
and ever will be,
for the most noble of causes,
for the most immense of treasures,
what would I be?
So I resume my journey,
trudging along myself.
One more mountian to cross,
one more river to bridge,
one more dale to transverse.
Perhaps my true love awaits,
just around the next bend.
The only way to find out,
is to keep on the journey.
2) Lonely
For some reason, the line from a popular song keeps going through my head, "Every little thing I do, your on my mind, your on my mind." That is so true! As I run through the park, I keep seeing you in the distance, but alas, it is another person. As my computer churns out data, I stare at your picture. Every time I take money out of my wallet, your smiling face is there to greet me although somehow that doesn't surprise me too much :). I think of you whenever I wake up and no one is beside me and when I roll over at night, my arm used to finding someone else under the covers. As I see young couples relaxing in the park, I think of how a picnic lunch for two would be so nice. And when I come home from work, there is only one thing in the world that I desire to be there - you. Theatre tickets for two please. Front row, with all of the pomp and circumstance - I'll even consent to dress in a suit because it pleases you. Maybe I'll head home from work so that I can fix us both lunch before we have to go back to our jobs. This weekend will be great, I can't wait to show you what I found. Unfortunately, my goals are empty, my victories hollow. I cook a meal for two, and sit down at my table for two, go to sleep in my bed for two, but there is only one. Until the day I see you. The distance is not far, yet it might as well be the span of a galaxy. The time is not too long, what is an aeon to the age of the universe? Perhaps I can speed time up, hasten it from its agonizingly slow pace. Perhaps I can strain myself to parts unknown, just to catch a glimpse of you, however fleeting. Absence is said to make the heart grow fonder, yet if my heart yearns any more for the sight of you, I will explode. Insanity is a comforting friend, calming me at night and allowing me to face the day. The mighty structure is put on every morning, when I get out of the shower the barricade is up. No one can glimpse the hollowness in my eyes, the starving of my soul, the atrophy of my heart. But, at the end of the day, when the city sleeps away, the hollowness returns. My shoulders loosen, crushed by an unseen force. Movement is difficult, likened more to the elderly instead of the young. The pain returneth, brining along with it despair and anguish. My nightly sojourn climaxes in the release from reality's tenuous grip. A fitful rest awaits me, met only with another dawn without you, another day without you, another night without you. Somewhere, on small mote of dust in the farthest reaches of the Cosmos, you are sleeping also. Do you dream of me often? Do you turn corners expecting to find me? Have you turned to ask me a question, then noticed that I am gone? Has your heart been torn asunder every time you do any task that we shared? Can you find solace in looking up at the night sky, in the same manner that I do, wondering if I am thinking about you under the same night sky somewhere? Do you feel me peering over your shoulder, as I so truly wish to do? I can only hope that in this vast and uncertain world, two people feel that bond which unites them like no other, through the distance and the time.
3) Summer Sonnet
By Rebecca Rindler
The lovely walk down Mercer street in summer:
The air is sticky-sweet and when I glide
Past airy jazz clubs then the old men drummers
Will pause and smile; and I become the bride
Of lemonade and simple terrace dreams;
My body sweat-glued to my sleeveless dress
I woke up early seeing gold sun-beams
To window sill in summer, I will press
My lips in awe of ev'ry wet-brow day;
I write the hours in poems of the park
And breathe the seconds hoping they would stay
I linger watching till it's much too dark.
Too soon do breezes turn to winter cool;
For now, I'll stay a sunburned summer fool.
The lightness
Of your glance,
Makes a place for me
Among the living.
I hear myself breathe,
And feel the long line
Of my body
Until you are in my sight,
1) Once Begun
Trina Baker
It stains my forefinger and fills my nails,
slices my palm with burred weeds,
and blisters my love line with tools
required to bring it to submission.
For the dried skin and sore back
I get stock so heavy that watering
forces aromatic heads downward.
I get nasturtiums creeping
across the stump of the Ponderosa Pine.
I get snapdragons throwing themselves
up along the wall of peeling paint.
Morning glories long to climb
the trellis that's not yet hung.
Tomato vines reach out
to the sun from the shade beneath the stairs.
Marigolds battle snails
who munch on young spinach.
Pansies turn their faces to the sky
so that they can grow up to be bushes.
And I get more wild, thick-stalked anise propagating,
propagating faster than I can pull it from the earth.
Matching again
What you are,
Within me.
1) Once Begun
Trina Baker
It stains my forefinger and fills my nails,
slices my palm with burred weeds,
and blisters my love line with tools
required to bring it to submission.
For the dried skin and sore back
I get stock so heavy that watering
forces aromatic heads downward.
I get nasturtiums creeping
across the stump of the Ponderosa Pine.
I get snapdragons throwing themselves
up along the wall of peeling paint.
Morning glories long to climb
the trellis that's not yet hung.
Tomato vines reach out
to the sun from the shade beneath the stairs.
Marigolds battle snails
who munch on young spinach.
Pansies turn their faces to the sky
so that they can grow up to be bushes.
And I get more wild, thick-stalked anise propagating,
propagating faster than I can pull it from the earth.
Matching again
What you are,
Within me.
Stay turned, there's more to come!!!


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Email: scarlet24@hotmail.com