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This is a poem I wrote for my brother and his wife when they lost a baby after 9 months.
Mommy and Daddy don't cry for me.
To walk the earth was not meant to be.
I'm in God's house you see.
I watch over you every day.
I know that you love me in a very special way.
You wanted me to be healthy and whole,
So you had to let me go.
You will get to see me every day
As you look at the children who past your way.

I may be the little boy with the dimple in his chin
Or the little girl with the golden curl.
You will know what you did is right Because
When you look in the sky on a clear star filled night,
I will be the star that is shining so bright.

I love you Mommy and Daddy good night.

An original piece by AL LANG Notice of copyright: This work is protected under the copyright rules of the United States and may not be reproduced in part or in whole without the express written permission of the authour.