AFpamVISPROD Visual Production Specialist
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31 Dec 1997

US Air Force, Pope AFB

Program: 21536


Work Process Schedule for the Trade of

Visual Production Specialist

DOT Code: 194.262.010


Element Work Processes Hours
A General Knowledge-- (1) Determines Equipment Requirements, Researches Subject Matters and Establishes Shooting Outline. (2) Operates Camera, Lighting and Related Equipment. (3) Determines Optimum Camera Placement and Settings. (4) Selects Shooting Locations and Times. (5) Matches Interior and Exterior Scenes. (6) Acquires Data for Captions, Background Materials, and Cover Stories. (7) Reviews Plans or Scripts to Determine Resources Requirements. (8) Ensures Color Compatibility Between Subject Matter and Backgrounds. (9) Determines Camera Angles, Lighting, and Special Effects. (10) On Aerial Assignments, Coordinates with Pilot to Ensure Proper Aircraft Positioning and Maneuvering to Obtain Desired Results. 1600
B Performs Visual Information Functions-- (1) Performs Visual Information Editorial Functions. (2) Reviews and Edits Visual Information Materials. (3) Identifies and Reduces Material to Individual Scenes or Sequences and Assembles in Proper Order. (4) Edits, Assembles and Synchronizes Recorded Sound with Imagery Integrates Special Effects. 1000
C Production Functions-- (1) Coordinates with Requesters to Define Subject Matter and Treatment, and Assists with Script Preparation. (2) Directs Recording Activity. (3) Evaluates Production Treatment for Suitability. (4) Determines Selection, Timing and Sequencing of Material for Electronic Editing or Post Production Assembly. (5) Operates Ancillary Television Production Equipment such as Character Generators. (6) Accomplishes Audio Recording or Sound Distribution. (7) Directs or Produces Original Recordings of Dialogue or Narration. (8) Transfers or Duplicates Optical or Magnetic Audio Tracks. 1000
D Oversees Visual Information Activities-- (1) Supervises or Performs Visual Information Functions. (2) Observes Copyright and Reproduction Restrictions. (3) Supervises or Performs Operator Preventive Maintenance, and Observes Customer Relations. 400
Grand Total 4000

Special Instructions: Work processes completed in a state or federally recognized apprenticeship program will be accepted upon presentation of proper documentation to the appropriate service school.

Note: All training must be in compliance with Air Force Instruction 36-2201, Developing, Managing, and Conducting Training.

Appendix B

Schedule of Related Instruction for the Trade of

Visual Production Specialist

DOT Code: 194.262.010


A total of 288 hours of related instruction is required in order to complete this program. Related instruction credit may be awarded individuals registered in the trade of Visual Production Specialist taken from an accredited institution, providing the courses are similar to the courses taken for a Visual Production Specialist program in a community college/vocational school.

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