Larry Creel was born several days before Pearl Harbor 40 miles from Mt. St Helens in Washington state as the only child to Lawrence and Senja Creel. He remained in Washington state for three years where the family operated a grocery store-service station. The family moved to Eugene, Oregon where Larry attended kindergarten through his freshman year in college. He spent the next three years in Monmouth earning a bachelor's degree from Western Oregon State College (previously called Oregon College of Education) with a major in social science and with a minor in education. In 1964, he returned to Eugene to attend graduate school and to teach in the Creswell Junior High School located near Eugene. During this period, he was selected to participate in the Counselor Advisor University Summer Education Project (CAUSE II) conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor at Oregon State University where he developed an everlasting interest in counseling. After receiving his master's degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Oregon in September of 1966, Larry joined the Air Force, doing active duty in Texas, Massachusetts, and the North Pole (Thule, Greenland). Returning to civilian life, he worked as a vocational counselor with the Oregon State Employment Division where he gained a strong interest in the area of job finding and career selection. His work at the state employment division found him working with minorities, the poor, and ex-convicts in the target area of Portland and with welfare clients in Baker, Oregon through the Work Incentive Program. After working briefly with the Mid-Columbia Economic Development District where Larry did manpower planning by distributing CETA monies for counties located in Oregon and Washington state, he accepted a federal civil service job as a guidance counselor with the Army Education Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. During his work at Fort Bragg, he completed his doctorate degree in Community College Administration through Nova University. His concern for soldiers who wish to return to civilian life prompted Larry to engage in the area of career development for his doctoral dissertation. Except for a brief time when he worked as the Education Coordinator for the Army Recruiting Command in New York City, Larry enjoyed his work counseling soldiers in various educational opportunties and working with the Apprenticeship Program, Tutoring and Mentoring Program and various other aspects of the Army Education Center at Fort Bragg. Because of downsizing the Armed Forces, a new management team took control of the Education Center. Larry was unable to "stomach" the new team, so he retired because of his stomach difficulties and other related health difficulties. Larry still resides in his home where he has lived since 1987 in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He enjoys visiting family and friends, taking vacations, exercising, and helping others wich he finds therapeutic. Larry has been taking self-enrichment courses at the local community college.
Larry lives in Fayetteville, North Carolina
My house
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