I know this would work, I have never tried it personally.
There's a new pasta diet - Just walk pasta bakery without stopping, walk pasta candy store without stopping, walk pasta ice cream store without stopping ....
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.
One of the life's mysteries is how a two pound box of candy can make a woman gain five pounds.
Every time I think about exercise, I lie down until the thought goes away.
Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.
I don't mind the rat race, but I could do with a little more cheese.
I had to give up jogging for my health. My thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire.
Isn't it Amazing! You just hang something in your closet for a while, and it shrinks two sizes.
It is bad to suppress laughter; it goes back down and spreads to your hips.
Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but she can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.
Can it be a mistake that "STRESSED" is "DESSERTS" spelled backwards
The Doctor recommended exercise, to help my body heal,, He said to walk a mile a day, just to see how I would feel.. And if I dropped a pound or so, that would be a bonus plan.. So I thought about his kind advice, that skinny little man..
I joined the Ladies Fitness Club it's really close at hand,, I got all the right equipment, shorts, shoes and nice wide headband.. I took my water bottle and towel in case I felt a little hot,, I was prepared to give my all, and my all is quite a lot..
Before the class began I had to take all the tests,, My blood pressure, my weight, Oh no, and then my pulse at rest.. They showed me all the equipment that makes the body fit,, Now I was set to get in shape, a week or two should do it..
I huffed and puffed my way upstairs, "That's where you change", shee said,, It was forty minutes later and I wish I'd stayed in bed,, I even lost a pound or two, doing all those sports,, Stretching, pulling, tugging, that was getting in my spandex shorts..
So I hopped on this machine, a gentle stroll, it said,, As the belt goes round I walked and walked my 'Walkman' on my head.. It started going faster, and faster, faster still,, My thumb was on the button that clearly said, "Down Hill""
Next I tried the gym, and laid down on my mat,, I moved my legs to music, did push ups, stuff like that,, I rolled around for quite a while this fitness is a breeze,, When I got up to run around, I was stuck there on my knees..
So I went home ate a three course meal, and took a two- hour nap,, I ached all over, and felt so bad yet decided not to flap,, When I awoke I was determined, I knew I was on the right track,, I went straight back to that fitness place, and got my money back..
You see jumping up and down, well that really isn't me,, A gentle stroll around the block, well, that's a possibility,, Yet when I look into the mirror, and notice parts of me that bounce,, I may have to be content and tell myself, it's what's inside that counts..