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Now and Forever

It was all for you. I am yours, now and forever.

When that serpent tempted Me in the desert, I thought of you, and I stood on the Word of the Father. It was all for you.

I am yours, now and forever.

I prayed for you 'till My forehead bled...and I saw your mind being healed. They pulled out My beard, the pain was unbearable. Then I saw your body being healed of sin and I found new strength. You see, it was all for you.

I am yours, now and forever.

My back was whipped. My flesh was torn and My back bled; but when I saw the healing you received, I rejoiced and wept. A crown of thorns was put on My head and the pain shot through My body and I was weakened, but in pain and weakness I lifted My Head and saw the curse of the law being broken over you. And once again, you gave Me strength.

You see, it was all for you. I am yours now and forever.

I was put on a cross and nails were driven through My hands and feet. I closed My eyes in pain, and I saw the fruit of your work and the fruit of your walk, and I was pleased. I bled on that cross for six hours and everything that had come upon you in the past, and that will come against you in the future, came upon Me and I saw you - Free. And in My weakness I was pleased.

You see, it was all for you. I am yours now and forever.

A soldier stuck a spear into My side and blood and water ran, and there you were at that very moment being reborn into eternal beauty and abundant life and My love for you grew and grew.

You see, it was all for you. I am yours, now and forever.

All this was done because of My love for you. I love you - now and forever.

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