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Athlete Direct Chat: Mia Hamm

Here is the full transcript from the AOL Athlete Direct Chat

OnlineHost: Welcome to Athlete Direct's chat with Mia Hamm! Welcome, Mia! Any opening statements for your fans?

Mia Hamm: Thanks for all the support we have gotten during the WWC. The response was incredible everywhere we went.

Question: How do you feel about the Chinese women saying Briana Scurry cheated on her game-winning save by moving forward before the kick was taken?

Mia Hamm: Well, first of all I have to applaud Briana. She was honest about it and it is part of the game. I think you would compare [it] to like traveling in basketball. Another thing is goalkeepers are up against the wall. Keepers try and get every advantage that they can get. It is not her call; it is up to the referees to make the call.

Question: What do you do to practice shooting with so much power and accuracy?

Mia Hamm: Well, shooting is technique, and you really work on that. It helps to have someone out there that knows technique. It is really about practicing and reps. I suggest to go out and strike as many balls as possible.

Question: Hey, Mia! :) What's up? Nothing much here. First things first. Thank you so much for signing my soccer ball! You and Shannon are so cool! How much do you lift, like bench weight?

Mia Hamm: I lift 3 times a week. My advice is to be careful about weight training. You don't want to be too young, so you can keep growing. It is important to be with someone who knows good technique and safety. Get together with someone who knows lifting.

Question: Hi, Mia! How old were you when you started getting into soccer? And was it something that you wanted to do on your own, or did you have some kind of soccer role model?

Mia Hamm: I started to play at age 5. My older siblings and friends played, so I wanted to play as well.

Question: I know Michelle Akers is thinking about retiring, but what about the other players? Are any of them thinking of leaving the team after the Olympics?

Mia Hamm: I think you will see some players retire. I think there will be some players that will leave, but that happens. The combination of veterans and young players is important. But I think we will be fine.

Question: Just wanted to thank you and your teammates again for all you did, not just for soccer, but for women's sports in general! You guys are awesome!! One question, how have you managed to escape the media blitz and relax after your victory?

Mia Hamm: Well, I went on a vacation. I think we understand what a great opportunity it is to be here. We have to take advantage of the chance to spread the word about the game and try and get a pro league started here.

Question: Hi! My name’s Angel and I was wondering, what kind of music do you like to listen to?

Mia Hamm: I like to listen to anything. R&B, alternative, really anything.

Question: Was there more pressure playing in the US rather than some other country?

Mia Hamm: I think so. You always want to do well, wherever you play. You want to go out and win. The closer we got to the finals, it was a pressure. It is a good pressure, you want to succeed and do well out there. We wanted to win, and we did not hide. We weren't used to the media and an event this large. That was different.

Question: I went to the soccer hall of fame in Oneonta, New York, and there were many things about you and your teammates. Have you been there yet? It just opened.

Mia Hamm: No, I have not. The team went last year, but I was hurt. But I plan on going.

Question: What was going through your mind when you stepped up to take the penalty in the final?

Mia Hamm: Well... when I was walking up there, I was saying positive things to myself. Once I put the ball down, I don't remember much. It was a blur... it was so quick, and then I remember the ball going in the net.

Question: Who would you say is your greatest inspiration?

Mia Hamm: My brother, Garrett.

Question: How important is it for the US to get a pro league to continue to develop players?

Mia Hamm: I think it is very important. We have a talented core of players. There are a lot of players that fall through the cracks because we don't have a league.

Question: Do you have any superstitions or pregame rituals?

Mia Hamm: Ummm... well, I always have to put stuff on right to left. That is the main thing.

Question: Mia, do you really use Pert Plus?

Mia Hamm: Ummm... I did.

Question: How will the Tar Heel women be this season?

Mia Hamm: I think they will be all right. There are a lot of talented teams out there. We lost a lot -- a ton of talented players, but we have some good freshmen, so it will be interesting. The youth and enthusiasm will get us through, and it will be a challenge.

Question: Mia, did you expect China to be as tough as they ended up to be in that final game... and did you expect it to ever end like it did?

Mia Hamm: Yes, we expected [China] to be that tough. They are an incredible team. They kept getting better as the WWC went on. I did not expect it to go to penalties.

Question: Mia, what is like playing with Julie and Kristine for so long? You three have been on the team since you were teenagers.

Mia Hamm: It has been great. They are like sisters to me, and we have grown up on this team. I could not pick two better people to share all of this with.

Question: Mia, how does it feel to be known as an "idol"?

Mia Hamm: Ummmm... I think it is cool. People get excited and that is okay, I guess, and in no way do I think I am better than anyone else. It is fun.

Question: Hello, Mia, who is your favorite male soccer player?

Mia Hamm: I like Rivaldo right now. He is great, he is my favorite.

Question: What is your favorite thing to do while you’re not playing soccer?

Mia Hamm: Play golf. I would like to play more, but I love to play when I am out there.

Question: Was it fun to flip Michael Jordan? That was a great commercial!!

Mia Hamm: Thanks. It was a blast. He was a lot of fun to work with. The flip was not planned.

Question: Are you excited about the indoor tour this fall?

Mia Hamm: I am very excited. It is another way for us to get closer to the fans. Also to showcase our game.

Question: What's your favorite food?

Mia Hamm: Italian, by far. I like tortellini the best.

Question: Do you think Brandi's celebration after the goal was planned?

Mia Hamm: No, I don't. It was all heat of the moment.

OnlineHost: When will you start training for Sydney 2000?

Mia Hamm: Maybe in April. We are not sure where it will be, but I am looking forward to it. Thanks for chatting with me, and I appreciate the questions.

OnlineHost: Thanks for chatting, Mia!

Mia Hamm: Remember to check out AD.

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