Some Of My Tarot Readings In The Past
A Baby? reading
I went to a friends home and she had several of her friends there. There was one male there that I hardly knew...I have seen him there several times but never really chatted with him.
The subject of Tarot came up and this man asked me to read the cards for him. As usual I asked if he had a question or thought for the reading in mind. He said he did not and just wanted to see what came up.
I was getting into the cards and a series of thoughts popped into my head. The seemed very far-fetched but I told this man about them anyways.
I told him that the child in question was his child and the test would prove this to be so. There was a bit more details to the reading but this was the jist of it.
The man looked like I slapped seems that the week before he did a paternity test on a baby that was just born and was waiting the results of the tests.
I had no knowledge of this fact and felt a bit foolish at the time when I gave him the reading. Just goes to must follow your gut on what the cards want to say...and surprises happen.
A New Start andThe Broken Heart...another reading I was asked by someone that I just met at a social gathering to do a reading on her daughter. This mother was worried about her daughters future and if she would find love ( a normal request it seems of a tarot reader). I told her that her daughter was now facing a choice with her job and that she should take the route to help the children...I also told her that she would find a man to love and who would love her through her job...and that he would be wearing a uniform.
I was told then by her mother that her daughter was a social worker and was offered a job dealing with abused children..she would be working hand-in-hand with the police with this direction in this new job.
The woman asked if I would be willing to do a reading on a friend of hers...I said that I would and we met in the city park a few days later.
Again I knew nothing about this new lady I was introduced to.
Her reading was one where the cards said that her heart was broken in many way was taken care of medically all ready but the other was with a man who had commintments that were strong...that she should just be there for this man and time would win out for her in the end.
I was told then that this lady had an open heart operation a month ago and was worried about her health...she also was in a relationship with a married man and wondered if it would lead anywhere.