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2001--A New Start

My goals for 2001

Here we go again---a nice new start! This journal has helped before and hopefully will again. I'll try to write often and keep myself on track----I really want to lose 10 as quickly as possible--I've put on 5 over the holiday. January 1 139 A new start at a weight I haven't seen in a year--way too high, but the result of many wonderful parties and holiday treats--in the end it is about 4 pounds of Thanksgiving to New Year revelry, the last of which we just enjoyed. I feel blessed to have so many friends and opportunities to visit over the holidays, so in the end, I am ok with things, even if it puts me at a chubby start for 2001. Not too bad today, did not have wine although I enjoyed the bloody Marys at this afternoon's event, where I didn't do too badly food wise. I went to the gym before the party and worked out with the elliptical machine for 45 minutes and 10 minutes on the rowing machine and some back and stomach exercises. I'll do aerobics and Nautilus tomorrow. I am enjoying listening to some of my French records, thought about some memories of Montpellier as I rowed and even did a little sketching. We took down the tree and garland on the staircase and the house looks a little lonely. But right now I have a goal--132 by the time I go to Florida on the 4th of February--that's 5 weeks and 7 pounds. Get going!! and write often.

January 2 138--Had a good day, a full hour of exercise, 10 minutes of yoga, pretty good eating and 1/2 small glass of wine. Tomorrow, I will work toward lower calories--had about 1450 today, and must be careful because it is book group in the evening. Not too much time for French, although I spent a little time visualizing some of the places I want to be in the countryside. Got some books on drawing and did a little sketching yesterday. I have 1 month until Florida and 7 pounds. Let's make it happen! January 4--138--I have decided to try to increase my aerobic exercise if at all possible. So today I did the elliptical machine for 35 minutes, treadmill for 15 and rowing machine for 10, all at a good clip. January 22---139--My life is good but I am not getting anywhere on my plan--with Florida 13 days away. I think I must do 2 things to kick-start my program--work out 2ce a day to get to 135 before I go and faithfully count calories! Despite the fact that I have kept my eating low and have definitely reduced the frequency of alcohol, I don't seem to be making progress on the weight scene--the drawing and French are going much better! I think I shall try for 1000 cals a day for this week--I have done it before and must get kick-started again. Mary help me accomplish this goal--it means so much to me. Went out for lunch to a Mexican restaurant with friends and wasn't too bad, except I ate the chips. No snacks at the movies, a healthy dinner, with dessert --chocolate fudge bar (135 calories) and then too many raisins--good for you but very caloric. In any case, I still feel like I ate well today. Now I am having some decaf. Tomorrow I really want to try my yoga again--I have been so busy, especially as I am having a friend in for lunch and will need to do a bit of cooking in the morning. Tonight, we will read a bit and do some planning of our New Zealand trip, so I don't think sketching will be on the program--perhaps over the weekend. Looked at an article on South west France, but will also order a current events program to keep me in the swing of that. I will attempt to keep my carbohydrates lower tomorrow. January 10-139- not making any weight progress but all else is going well. Boy this weight thing is hard--did 45 minutes aerobic exercise on the rowing machine and transporter and my nautilus. Have been doing some drawing and have been doing different French things--helping Al with his studies--he should have some basics in hand by the time we go in May. Time to review the food issue Breakfast: grapefruit juice fruit, cott cheese, bran 250 cals Lunch: tomoato soup with vegetables 250 Snack: apple, peanut butter 250 Ginny's house: 1 glass wine, grapes, cheese 250 Dinner: couscous, beef, cabbage, small salad 450 Well, here is the problem--I am already at 1450 and I know I have to eat about 1100 a day to lose. Tomorrow is a new day and I have been eating heakthy food--just too much. I am very anxious to get to 132 before we go to Florida which is now less than 4 weeks from now. Well, let's attack again tomorrow--I am very solid and muscular and look fine--I just really want to slim my middle which needs a nicer line. I am hanging in there. January 16--139--still up there and still trying. I feel more encouraged though--have decided I must rev up my aeroblics to a higher amount and have--did the treadmill for 40 minutes and the transporter for 35 minutes today--used over 600 calories, then some stretching. Have eaten really sensibly and now have a new image which I shall use to remind myself of how I wish to look--Audrey Hepburn in a t-shirt and pedal pushers--don't remember the movie, but that is the look and I shall try to remind myself about that as I go about my day. Time to add up the cals. Breakie--peaches, cott cheese, bran 200 Lunch--bean burger, salad, bread and benecol, bar 400 2 egg whites, macaroni and chicken, salad, beans, fudge bar 570 That's 1170 and it is 8:30. I shall drink diet tonic to round out my day and that will have me right below 1200. So I have had a good day. Did some drawing, did French with Al, did our estimated taxes-----horrible amount owed plus penalty --- and quite thorougly enjoyed my day. I shall try to file away all the tax stuff in the next few minutes before Frasier is on--then shall get in bed and watch a bit of the French movie I rented. I love doing the things which are on my promised list---I just have to succeed at the weight loss game at little better--I have 19 days before we leave for Florida. I really want to work hard to make it happen. Think I'll put a picture of Audrey Hepburn around the house--those gals at the gym who have stayed on the plan did well--lost 8 pounds. I am firm but need to reduce my food intake to get a smaller stomach and waistline. Hope I make it. Tuesday, January 23--137 Well, I was very good yesterday and today as well. I did lots of exercise and am keeping my calories to 1100. Hopefully, I can lose another 3 pounds before Florida under this plan. I'd like to keep our social obligations to a minimum under this plan, as it is just easier if I am in control of the eating situation. Right now, I am better off without the temptation. Time for the food review! Breakfast, fruit, cottage cheese, bran 220- lunch 1 egg white, soy cheese, salad and pea soup, fudge bar--300 snack 2 tangerines 70--dinner omelet with veggies, cabbage, salad, small potato 350--940. I can have a Sharps beer for my late night treat and keep my cals nice and low. Since I did 500 cals at the gym, then 1/2 hour on the body ball and a 2 mile walk this afternoon, I feel that I should do ok. Happily, I also worked on my drawing a bit while listening to a new French CD. So I am keeping on track as well as I can. I don't imagine I can lose any more tomorrow, but I can hope to see something in the next day or so. January 24--136--well things are definitely looking up on the weight scene--3 pounds off now. I did aerobics on the transporter for 65 minutes--over 600 calories, and then did 30 minutes of the body ball, weights and stretching. Right now I am at 1050, so I may allow myself a Sharps at bedtime or perhaps just a diet tonic. Listened to some French music but didn't get any art work in. I must get this desk clean so I feel a little more in control. But I am so happy about the weight loss--hope it sticks.

February 17---137--well, I have definitely been in a dry spell weight wise, although I was up to 139-140, and after 2 days of working out really hard and careful eating and I am at 137-138--and now I need to get real. Was quite good today--took a break from exercise as I have worked out for 2 hours ea day the last 2 days and my knees are a tad tender! Continue to keep French high in the importance list and worked just a short while on my drawing. Tomorrow I shall do that. Need more spiritual interaction as I focus on helping my sister and supporting her writing--Mary can help me so much to focus on spiritual centering--I must ask for that help and give of myself to others. For the weight deal, it is up to me--I shall have to be consistent in the plan---and write in the journal to make it happen. This much is true. February 17---137--well, I have definitely been in a dry spell weight wise, although I was up to 139-140, and after 2 days of working out really hard and careful eating and I am at 137-138--and now I need to get real. Was quite good today--took a break from exercise as I have worked out for 2 hours ea day the last 2 days and my knees are a tad tender! Continue to keep French high in the importance list and worked just a short while on my drawing. Tomorrow I shall do that. Need more spiritual interaction as I focus on helping my sister and supporting her writing--Mary can help me so much to focus on spiritual centering--I must ask for that help and give of myself to others. For the weight deal, it is up to me--I shall have to be consistent in the plan---and write in the journal to make it happen. This much is true. February 19--137--26 days until we leave for New Zealand! And 7 pounds at a minimum--boy this is going to be tough, but I am trying--drawing class today--listened to some French tapes and music--2 French students this week--got to work on my drawing a bit, but not enough. Got some art books which I hope will give me some directions. Gotta run for now--did 40 minutes transporter, did Nautilus snf took a short walk. Pretty good on the food too--and I went out for lunch with Julie--salad with chicken, light dressing, ate lot of crackers as we didn't eat until 1:30 and I had gotten up at 6 and eaten early before I left for my class. I should keep little boxes of shredded wheat if I can --that would be a good thing. February 27--136--Was quite good on my plan for the past several days, although certainly not perfect. By now, I am down to 11 days before my physical and 18 days before we leave for NZ--my exercise is fine, but I have to be careful on my eating--it is tough to lose unless I am very conscientious about my calorie intake--and we are having a dinner party on Friday. I am really happy about the time I am spending on France---teaching some adults one on one helps keep me on my toes and reminds me to think in French. I am also pleased about my drawing--that and a cup or tea is a very constructive way to steer clear of munching--must be more oriented toward that. 9 days until my physical--is 133 realistic--I hope so! That would give me another 9 days to get to my final weight before New Zealand. I am going to try to work it out!

April 5--140--eeeks, just back from 3 weeks in New Zealand where I consumed far too much, although often my choices were very limited. Far too many sweets, and too much time where looking was not accompanied with exercise. Oh well, it was fun, but I was at 136 when I left and that was a tough effort. Something has to change or I will be most unhappy about how I feel and look. Just got the pics back, and I am definitely looking larger than I can bear. Time to regroup right away. Have been good today--175 cals for breakfast, 250 cals for lunch, 550 for dinner but no exercise. I was too jet lagged to handle, although I thought I could. Tomorrow, I shall do so first thing--I am keeping my cals at 1000 a day, and will need to exercise briskly twice a day to be able to make headway. I am desparate to be at 128 max when we leave for France, just 6 weeks away. That will require some real discipline. I must write daily--it was my impetus when Linz got married and I need to do it now. I need little signs too--that helps. See you tomorrow. April 6 139--Well the jet lag thing wants to get me down--coupled with some unpleasant family stuff--but I am resisting--today--breakfast fruit, cott cheese bran-170 cals, lunch spinach omelette, tiny salad, apple 260 cals--430 so far. Short stint at the gym this morning, will do Nautilus tomorrow--take a walk with Shirley at 4:30 for my 2 exercise quotas--a good thing I say!!--and down a pound--party tomorrow night, may be my first challenge--hang in there! Walked a good hour with Shirley, had a good dinner which met the program, spinach, chicken, okra salad, broth 370 cals. 800 total so far. The journal helps--let's see what the scales say tomorrow. April 8--137--Very pleased with the scales today, but must be vigilant--did a lot of cooking today and tasted too--careful careful! Company on Saturday, which means I have 3 days to work on the plan, with a planned vacation on Saturday--but I am committed--I have had enough of constantly wanting to look thinner--it gets old--I need to do it!! Ran the past 2 days and did Nautilus yesterday. Will run and Nautilize tomorrow as well! Food review before dinner. Breakfast fruit, jello, cottage cheese and bran--230, lunch, spinach and mushroom omelette with soy cheese-130, small salad 50, pop 25, beef curry tasting-175, jello--25--eeek 635 before dinner--dinner of chicken, spinach and salad--must keep the chicken quantity reasonable and I can keep it around 1000 for the day----and I must--must also do some stretching and moving. April 9-137==Glad to say I'm holding at 137 after a serious week of calorie watching. Ran this morning and then did Nautilus. My knee hurts a bit, so I had better be careful. Today I did cooking again for company and for a friend. Used lo-cal ingredients, so it wasn't too bad. Still I had better add 100 tasting cals. Breakfrast, fruit, bran, cottage cheese--180, lunch artichoke, diet dressing, salad--180, cooking and tasting-100, wine--100 chicken and spinach in sauce--375, 1/2 cup rice 110, raisins, 100, cabbage 75, yogurt salad 50 Wow--that's 1270 for the day--way over. Tomorrow, I shall have to be more careful! Hope I haven't hurt the program. Listened to French music and sang---still haven't started art work again since we have been back. Tonight is party thank you notes and notes with pics for the NZ folks. Thursday, April 12--137--I'm glad I have held firm here--that's 3 pounds in a week and I couldn't be more pleased. Decided to do the fruit and cottage cheese route today, with a few exceptions. Time to total. Breakfast-fruit, cott ch, bran-180, lunch fruit cott ch-160, snack -apple, slice of cheese, cranbery cocktail and diet ginger ale-250 dinn-cabbage and yog and cukes-100, raisins 120, fruit and cottage cheese-180--990 so far--will have a diet beer before bedtime. Did the transporter for 35 minutes this morning (325 cals) and walked for an hour this evening--250 cals. Hopefully, I will be off to a good start for my second week. Company sat night and permission to go off the plan. 2 weeks from tomorrow, we leave for Chicago and I would like to be at least 4 pounds less--that is 133--which would leave me with 3 weeks and a minimum of 5 pounds before we leave for France--Stay the course. Listened to French music, started a French movie--will have to continue tomorrow, and read a little French in my Champs Elysees--unfortunately no time on art work, but tomorrow is a new day--may have to be Easter Sunday! April 21 Saturday--137 Well, I am not pleased with myself--I have not written in 9 days and have made no progress--It seems so stupid to do what I know doesn't work, but yet I am doing it. April 6 139--Well the jet lag thing wants to get me down--coupled with some unpleasant family stuff--but I am resisting--today--breakfast fruit, cott cheese bran-170 cals, lunch spinach omelette, tiny salad, apple 260 cals--430 so far. Short stint at the gym this morning, will do Nautilus tomorrow--take a walk with Shirley at 4:30 for my 2 exercise quotas--a good thing I say!!--and down a pound--party tomorrow night, may be my first challenge--hang in there! Walked a good hour with Shirley, had a good dinner which met the program, spinach, chicken, okra salad, broth 370 cals. 800 total so far. The journal helps--let's see what the scales say tomorrow. April 8--137--Very pleased with the scales today, but must be vigilant--did a lot of cooking today and tasted too--careful careful! Company on Saturday, which means I have 3 days to work on the plan, with a planned vacation on Saturday--but I am committed--I have had enough of constantly wanting to look thinner--it gets old--I need to do it!! Ran the past 2 days and did Nautilus yesterday. Will run and Nautilize tomorrow as well! Food review before dinner. Breakfast fruit, jello, cottage cheese and bran--230, lunch, spinach and mushroom omelette with soy cheese-130, small salad 50, pop 25, beef curry tasting-175, jello--25--eeek 635 before dinner--dinner of chicken, spinach and salad--must keep the chicken quantity reasonable and I can keep it around 1000 for the day----and I must--must also do some stretching and moving. April 9-137==Glad to say I'm holding at 137 after a serious week of calorie watching. Ran this morning and then did Nautilus. My knee hurts a bit, so I had better be careful. Today I did cooking again for company and for a friend. Used lo-cal ingredients, so it wasn't too bad. Still I had better add 100 tasting cals. Breakfrast, fruit, bran, cottage cheese--180, lunch artichoke, diet dressing, salad--180, cooking and tasting-100, wine--100 chicken and spinach in sauce--375, 1/2 cup rice 110, raisins, 100, cabbage 75, yogurt salad 50 Wow--that's 1270 for the day--way over. Tomorrow, I shall have to be more careful! Hope I haven't hurt the program. Listened to French music and sang---still haven't started art work again since we have been back. Tonight is party thank you notes and notes with pics for the NZ folks. Thursday, April 12--137--I'm glad I have held firm here--that's 3 pounds in a week and I couldn't be more pleased. Decided to do the fruit and cottage cheese route today, with a few exceptions. Time to total. Breakfast-fruit, cott ch, bran-180, lunch fruit cott ch-160, snack -apple, slice of cheese, cranbery cocktail and diet ginger ale-250 dinn-cabbage and yog and cukes-100, raisins 120, fruit and cottage cheese-180--990 so far--will have a diet beer before bedtime. Did the transporter for 35 minutes this morning (325 cals) and walked for an hour this evening--250 cals. Hopefully, I will be off to a good start for my second week. Company sat night and permission to go off the plan. 2 weeks from tomorrow, we leave for Chicago and I would like to be at least 4 pounds less--that is 133--which would leave me with 3 weeks and a minimum of 5 pounds before we leave for France--Stay the course. Listened to French music, started a French movie--will have to continue tomorrow, and read a little French in my Champs Elysees--unfortunately no time on art work, but tomorrow is a new day--may have to be Easter Sunday! April 21 Saturday--137 Well, I am not pleased with myself--I have not written in 9 days and have made no progress--It seems so stupid to do what I know doesn't work, but yet I am doing it. I need to recommit right this second. I am now down to 4 weeks until we go to France--and I am still hoping to be at 128--that's a tall order--9 pounds in 4 weeks and we go to Chicago next week. I need to fix my life so this is priority, and I shall do it this moment. Signs will go up around here and the most important thing is to write daily. I must try to avoid wine and heavy cal foods when dining out--there will be many occasions in the next month and I know I will enjoy my time in France so much more as a slimmer person! Lots of French going on--new student to start on Wednesday--no art work--gotta get on track there. Thursday--135--what a nice treat--it is not 133, but a whole lot better than 140 which i was as I returned from New Zealand. I shall try to be good in Chicago and I really think I can carry it out.I need to recommit right this second. I am now down to 4 weeks until we go to France--and I am still hoping to be at 128--that's a tall order--9 pounds in 4 weeks and we go to Chicago next week. I need to fix my life so this is priority, and I shall do it this moment. Signs will go up around here and the most important thing is to write daily. I must try to avoid wine and heavy cal foods when dining out--there will be many occasions in the next month and I know I will enjoy my time in France so much more as a slimmer person! Lots of French going on--new student to start on Wednesday--no art work--gotta get on track there. Thursday--135--what a nice treat--it is not 133, but a whole lot better than 140 which i was as I returned from New Zealand. I shall try to be good in Chicago and I really think I can carry it out.

May 5--136--well, I haven't made much progress on the weight, but I have hope--136 is a good jumping off point for a blitz--2 weeks and 2 days. I have been eating bread at night--happens when I drink wine, which I will avoid as much as I can--company from France tomorrow and a big event tonight-and at least 2 nights out this week and then gourmet club on Saturday. I absolutely must write daily and give myself frequent pep talks. 5 pounds is probably very unreasonable, but I shall go get those diet pops I love today--25 cals, each, have lots of little carrots and celery ready in the fridge, drink iced tea, cranberry and tea iced, iced coffee, and I even bought Tab--now that it is back. Lots of liquids--to be thinner for our stay in France will make me the happiest person in the world. Al is doing great with his French lessons, and I have new French CD's--3 more Joe Dassin, whom I love. I am getting in the French mood. Hope we love our gite and that it might be a base for a longer stay. Upward and onward. How lucky I am to be alive--Mary, I will ask your help as I make the effort to stay with my plan. Sunday, May 6-15 days and 5 pounds--pretty serious business here--136--company for dinner, so this shall be tough--I believe portion control shall have to be the rule tonight. Gotta go get the table set! Tuesday May 7--136--still haven't really made any progress--lovely dinner and had lunchout yesterday--am trying to reduce portion size, but I need a couple of calorie-counted, no starch days to really get things going--13 days until France--I shall make a sign immediately--did Nautilus this morning and will walk this afternoon. Since my little tape player broke I haven't been listening to as much French music and singing along. I think I'll get a cheap walkman when I'm out. Upward and onward to cleaning my closet--then I can buy an item or two for the trip! Wednesday May 16--135 Well, I have been at 135 for the past two days and have been very conscientious on my plan. Tonight is book group so I must really be careful. Let me tote up for the day--breakfast--250--lunch asparagas omelet--220. For dinner, I will have 1 broiled chicken breast, spinach and salad. Then I can have a little snack at book group--but I will make it a point to not sit near the food--I don't have great self control! I have been faithful to my exercise--300 cals on the transporter this morning and a set of Nautilus. Time to do the laundry and tidy up!--5 days until we leave for France--is 133 too much to hope for????? A gal can hope and I shall do my best to make it happen. Monday, May 21---133 1/2 Well, that is pretty great for me! I have tried to be quite good and have really cut back on portion sizes. I am glad I have had some success--well we're off today, and France for 2 weeks will definitely put on a few--but I shall try to keep things in check. Bon voyage!

June 13--138---eeeks gained 4 pounds in France---no surprise--food was divine and I really didn't show any restraint---wellll---it was wonderful, but now we are back and I must immediately lose the 4 pounds I gained. Exercised and did Nautilus this morning. Must tidy the house tonight and perhaps a little walk--we're off to the movies now--Moulin Rouge--have until August 7 until we leave for Easthampton---I really want to drop a total of 10 pounds by then---let's see what we can do.June 20--139--feeling quite discouraged over the weight situation--I feel uncomfortable and don't like the way I look. Somehow, I have only been doing 30 minutes a day of walking or exercise, which is a definite reduction--but it is hot and I do better when I take a second walk in the afternoon--no whining!! tomorrow is a new day and I shall write down what i EAT. I can lose weight on 1000 cals a day--at 2000 cals a day I gain--so I have a choice which I need to make. I still have 6 weeks until Easthampton and that can offer quite a difference. I must try to journal daily--it makes a difference! june 27--139--no progress. I really need to keep to 100 cals a day for now. Let's get with it! July 4-140- Chinese food last night which always takes its toll on the scales in the morning. This is getting quite discouraging--but I have got to do better. In exactly 5 weeks we leave for Easthampton and NYC and I will be miserable if I am this size, especially if I want to feel that I really look good---AND I WANT TO!!!!. I have not been writing, which I know helps, or writing down what I eat--so I must really make that a priority. For the next 5 days, I will make it a rule that I must write down what I eat and write in my journal--I know what works and I am not doing it. Also, I am going to try for 2 exercise periods a day and some mini 2 minutes exercises. LEet's see what happens! July 12-138 was very good yesterday and plan to be again today---planning out the food better not to exceed 1250--2 exercise periods and I am getting ready to go out now for 45 minutes before my 8 AM meeting. See u later. July 5-139 Had a good workout today--good aerobics, some weights, a walk after dinner and not too bad on the food--should be under 1300 at the end of the day--I have just written it all down. Tomorrow night we eat out so I should try to keep the cals very low during the day. Here's hoping the scale is kind in the morning--lots of water, so that has been good. July 7-138 went out last night but I was pretty good--still I didn't write my food down yesterday which is not good. I have just done so for today--worked out hard at the gym this morning, so I feel good--I shall take a walk tonight as we are not going out. Will plan a mainly veggie dinner with some fish for Al. I think I shall work in my garden since Wimbledon is having a rain delay. I may check in later to keep on track. July 11--138--well, things haven't gone too well in the eating department, but I am trying again--I have written down today's food and need to get some lo-cal late night snacks. Worked out at the gym this morning and have had 570 cals so far and a healthy breakfast and lunch. 4 weeks until Easthampton--I shall put some signs up to see if I can get on target! July 12-138 was very good yesterday and plan to be again today---planning out the food better not to exceed 1250--2 exercise periods and I am getting ready to go out now for 45 minutes before my 8 AM meeting. See u later. July 13--137--a great step--just did aerobics but didn't get my weights in yet---thought my student was coming now, but she needs to adjust--will try to run back later--tomorrow and Sunday are big tests and I will try to work around them--we are going away for the weekend--I really don't want to lose (or gain)what it has taken so much work to achieve--I shall be super good all day. July 17--136---supe de dupe--getting the numbers down a tad--I feel like I am more into the eating plan--although this week will be a challenge--taking Amy out for din tonight for her birthday, tomorrow is book group and company on Friday--Al would like key lime pie so i shall fix that--along with a curry dinner--but managing is all part of the plan---I have done great on my exercise and quite well on the food.. So praise the Lord, I think it may happen--and I bought a bathing suit, which I hope will look great after 5 pounds off my EH--that's my goal right now--4-5 more pounds in 3 weeks--that would have me at 131-132,well on my way! July 18---136-137--scale can't decide--I'm on my way, in any case--went out last night for dinner and really worked it quite well. I am feeling less needy in the food department--ordered an appetizer for the main dish and it was plenty--will choose that again--did have 2 glasses or wine, but I have not been drinking, so it is ok--tonight is more of a challenge as with book group, the food is in front of me all night--I really need to position myself away from the food. I shall write all down and we shall have a light dinner before I go. July 20--137--well we had a dinner party last night and I ate everything, although in small portions--I was definitely pleased about that--but the scale is still at 137--it was 136 yesterday. I will get in a weight session and an aerobic walk today. I am down to 2 1/2 weeks and I must do better than this. July 22--137--seem stuck at 137--took a 14 mile bike ride this morning with Al--great fun--tonight we are off to Greensboro for a picnic at the Eastern Music Festival--I fixed all lo-cal things so I have what I want to pick from---I am also getting into the 14 day Beauty Boot Camp theory--starting tomorrow--I shall select an improvement item and focus for all the world on the calorie content--14 days of that and we will be ready to leave--I am hoping that I can make a bunch more progress--I also definitely want to spend more time on art--and on cleaning out some drawers--maybe I can focus on othr activities than food--and get some of my priorities done before we leave town. See u tomorrow, and I sure hope it is 136 not 137! July 23--137--drank wine-several glasses at the picnic--better go get the particulars of that boot camp down! Had a good exercise period at the gym this morning, then did a few weights and will walk after dinner with a friend. I am finding I am not able to get below 1200 cals a day---and I wonder if I can get where I want to be with that--oh well, maybe I can try for a higher intensity exercise --2 weeks from today is my goal and I want to lose 5 pounds by then. Wish me luck!! I did draw today and heard a little of some French music. July 27--137--good all week and I am so disheartened. Yesterday I finally lost a pound but it was back this morning. I have really been conscientious and added the rowing machine to my repertoire, but still no success. For whatever it is worth, my clothes seem to fit a little better, but I still have the big tummy, which is driving me nuts. I have 10 days until departure and I just don't seem to be getting any where. I think I'll go back and look at my experience before Lindsay's wedding when I managed to lose about 7 pounds. July 28--137--getting nowhere fast--just took a walk yesterday--never did any gym work--and we went out for dinner--I was very good but I ate bread and had wine--this morning my 137 was verging toward 138 and we have a party tonight--I am feeling quite disheartened. July 30--137--still working on it--worked out for an hour this morning and then took an hour walk this afternoon--ate carefully all day but just had a little bowl of ice cream which is not on the list of ok's. Breakfast, eggwhite ham and mushroom omelet, lunch salad with ham and soy cheese, dinner large salad, cold shrimp with cocktail sauce, broccoli and slaw. Now small bowl ice cream and will have a 60 calorie non-alcoholic beer. about 1150 calories I think. Let's see how the scales respond--basically trying a lo-carb approach for the next 7 days with the hope that it jump starts this body which doesn't want to cooperate with the plan. Tune in tomorrow. July 31--135! I could have kissed the scale this morning. It is finally starting to show--and I must be relentless on staying on the plan to keep it off--this lo-carb thing is really good to at least get some action! I think we shall try to avoid eating out--have a luncheon on Friday, but I think I can order a grilled chickent salad and ask them to leave the bread off my plate! I shall think today of the best place to do that. Right now, I must buzz to the gym--art class at 9 and it is already 6:50. Wow, I am excited.

August 4--133!!!!!! I have stayed on the lo-carb plan now for a week and I cannot believe the immediate difference it has made--somehow the sensible eating calorie counting approach did not do much after 6 weeks--3 pounds, but lo and behold, 1 week on the lo-carb effort has been fantastic. I eat lots of salad and sliced lean meat or fish, have an eggbeater omelet for breakfast with lo-fat ham and mushrooms, have some cheese, and last night even did well at a cocktail party--I had 2 glasses of wine, some smoked salmon, ate it with my fingers, some stilton cheese, out of this world and some asparagus---then we came home and I had a salad and sliced turkey--plenty--in fact, I even went out for lunch yesterday and had a large ---and I do mean large salad with salmon, balsamic vinaigrette and walnuts, and in the end, I lost another pound. NOW I finally understand why people love this diet. I only hope I can maintain for my week in New York--we leave Tuesday--I also hope that I can find a way to keep my exercise up during that week---I do about a 400 calorie routine each morning at the gym and I think that is important--we will walk a lot in the city, and I shall definitely run in the morning at East Hampton--I can't bear to back slide after all this time. As for the art, I will focus a bit more on accomplishing something each day--can't wait until my new pastels arrive--hope they are not too too broken--although he did say that they had broken quite a bit. We shall see--right now, there is nothing that can dampen this mood--weight loss is important and 133 is a real milestone for me. August 5--134--well I went back up a pound--but I guess some fluctuation is to be expected--I was very good again yesterday and plan to keep it up--we leave on Tuesday morning and I think I shall fix us our lunch to have on the plane--keeps us from going the airport food route--a thankful omission! and a way to stay on the plan. Today may be the day I skip my regulaar exercise--I have so much to do to get ready although I might get a little walk in. Even though 134 isn't 128, I really feel so much more in control, which makes such a difference. And this diet is great--had my omelet this morning and will go get the chicken up from the freezer so we will have our next 2 dinners handled. I'll weigh in tomorrow and let you know. I feel like God is really on my shoulder helping me again. Thank you. August 14-134--well I actually got down to 132 before we left, which was a very exciting thing---but I am now at 134 after what turned out to be a very stressful trip--my sister told us she was leaving her husband of 25 years when we arrived and things did not pick up from there--good old life--you never know--well, I still feel I have a way to keep on the program and although I was terrible there and drank wine every night--far more than I should have--I am home and plan to renew--we came home early--it was awful--had the kids over last night and did eat a small helping of potatoes, but that was the only thing I did not on the plan--today, I shall cotiue in a better vein, and I truly believe I can get to 125 before we go to the mountains in October. For now, I am going for my run, I have art class at 9 and my short term goal is 130 by Lee's birthday party on SEptember 1. 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I think I can make that happen! August 15--133--very good yesterday--had some blueberries for a late night snack--I forgot that having one serving of fruit with the dinner meal was included before. Shall do that again, but I am pleased to be losing. Book group tonight, always tempation there--must be careful. August 24--135--Well I have had company for a week, and haven't been good on the total plan, although yesterday I behaved pretty well. Today is a good day to get back on with a vengeance--we are going out for dinner and I shall have to plan around that--we are going to a big do next Saturday night, which gives me 8 days to get to 133 at the very least. I have been focusing on my art a bit more, and definitely want to continue that. Here's hoping I can do both. Also, time to start preparing for my French class to get all copied before it gets too late. Should be fun and maybe I'll get a few students out of it for some short term pin money. August 29--135--seem to be staying here for the moment, although a couple of big dinners caused me to move up to 136-7, but 2 days of conscientious eating have me back to 135. The party is Saturday and I sure would love to look at little sleeker than I am this moment--it always shows in the tummy. I had a good walk with my son today, and decided to leave it at that--have been quite good on the plan, although I had a few slices (probably 3 ) of potato with oil and vinegar I fixed for dinner. Onward to do a little art right now--pourquoi pas?

November 28---140 Oh boy am I in serious trouble. Can you imagine that I was down to 132 and really looking super in August and here I am at the highest I have been in years--calls for serious action. We did have Chinese food last night, which may account for 1 temporary pound, but I need to get focused fast!17 days until we go to Chicago for Lindsay and Jamie's opening---17 days to turn it around--will be back later to plan the details after I get my gym clothes on and take a run--step 1. Ok--here is the plan--good dose of exercise each morning--I do that anyway--3 days a week a more aggressive weight lifting session--I've been slacking off there a bit--avoid starch and alcohol--they are my downfalls---let's see if I can't get down to 137 in a week--and down to 134 by the time we have bookgroup Christmas party on the 14th--this will require vigilance--even at parties and dinners out--I need to make myself some little mantra cards--it's going on my to do list this second!! Been painting some this morning and it looks pretty nice--will take a walk over to Reyholda Gardens later to meet Suzy and enjoy this gorgeous weather. Better get a little French in later--current student is very good and I need to be on my toes--weigh in tomorrow! Sunday, December 2-138--well we wound up eating out 3 times this week--which is a lot and which makes it more difficult to control--but I tried to keep a good plan going-I am at 138--with 2 weeks until Chicago--have kept up the exercise, but I am going to have to limit the wine to 1 glass---I am doing a pretty good job of avoiding starches--but ate some crackers the last 2 days--today, I'll take a run and have already planned some delicious lo-cal food--my advanced French student tonight and I did a lovely small painting yesterday--am going to see if I can make it a bit more high contrast today--a tad to pastelly--will work on Al's French plan as well--and start actively increasing my French exposure each day--next May will be here before you know it! December 10--137--not a big decrease here--but it has been so many parties--4 this week before we leave for Chicago Saturday morn. I think I will get some little 100 cal yogurts and have one each time before we go out to cocktail parties to keep me from going for some of the hi-cal stuff. A little French in preparation for my doctor last night, and this morning I will work on my art before getting back to my decorating this afternoon. With a cocktail party at 6--my day will fly by, for sure!